People Disappearing From Tree
I am super frustrated with this tool. I keep building my tree and as I add new people and do searches and attach new people/records; and then go back to the tree people that I added are gone. This tool seems simple to use and I love searching and finding information to attach to my tree. But I am getting so frustrated that people keep disappearing from my tree.
Are you talking about a Family Group Tree or your tree in the main Family Tree?
If the latter and you have edited the disappearing record recently, you should be able to find it in your Recents list. You can then go to the record and view Latest Changes. This should tell you what has happened. It sounds like someone else has detached in from your tree.
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Since you posted this in the group for Family Group Trees, I assume you are talking about Family Group Trees. If not, it would be better to post in the main Community area.
Make sure that you are clear on what tree is selected when you are adding to or viewing your tree. It's easy to get confused if you, for example, add people to your Family Group Tree, but then are looking for them in the FamilySearch Tree (or vice versa).
In addition to the Recents list mentioned above, another helpful tool can be the My Changes section of the My Contributions feature (on the Family Tree menu). You can look through there to find people you've added (or any other changes you have made). That may help you to find people you've added.
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There has been no additional information added to this problem. There have been several updates to the system since this was posted. If you find further issues of this type popping up, please start a new post.