Christening, Marriage and Burial locality in Sweden
On Kerstin Parsdotter, KZFQ-PR7, it shows the marriage and the burial city is missing. Generally, in Sweden the marriage took place in the parish church which is why I chose that option. She was married in the church in Rännelanda. No other city is ever listed. The same is true for the christening and burial. It happens at the parish church (unless it's a home christening), so there is no other city to list. Also, why does it say a marriage date and place are missing?
Please advise me on this!
The algorithm expects a 4-part placename. I have a similar problem with all my maternal family who lived, married, and were buried in rural locations in the US. There is no city to enter, but the algorithm wants one.
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Regarding the "a marriage date and place are missing" statement, Kerstin has two marriage events. Click on the pencil icon next to the marriage information that shows in the Family Members section and you will see two marriage events for her. One has a date and place. The other has nothing. Delete that second marriage event and that comment should vanish. Score 1 for the Quality score for helping to clean up a person's profile.
Regarding the place name for the marriage and burial information, part of the trouble is that the Places database is so incomplete for much of Europe. I'm not really that familiar with all the ins and outs of Swedish geography but I have worked some there with the Swedish branch of my family and my wife's family but there are similarities to Norway were I have worked a lot.
What I do know is that in both countries, the large rural parishes functioned as municipalities. So entering Rännelanda, Älvsborg, Sweden, is equivalent to entering Municipality, Province, Country. The routine is just asking if you can be more specific and enter a particular place within the parish/municipality. And you could. Since the marriage and funeral took place at Rännelanda church, the full place name would be Rännelanda Kyrka, Rännelanda, Älvsborg, Sweden.
Now you have the minimum four level place name the quality score likes. But the score won't get any better because the four level place name does not exist yet in the Places database, you would need to link it to the three level place name you already have to standardize it, and the quality score looks only at the linked standard. Not the more accurate displayed name.
So you have four choices:
- Leave things the way they are. The comments are accurate. You only have three place levels, not four.
- Dismiss the missing city comments.
- Add the church name and dismiss the missing city comments.
- Add the church name. Submit a request to add the church as a standardized place at: When the church as been added go back to your entries and re-standardize them with the full place name. Then the comments will vanish.
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@Joellen McAlister regarding "why does it say a marriage date and place are missing"
This person had two marriages (one with a date and a place, another with neither a date nor a place).After deleting the empty marriage the issues went away.
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Thank you for the feedback. A ticket has been created to look into the requirement of a 4-part place name. This may be something that needs a regional adjustment.