Translation request Marriage Max Ziegler
Marriage 1927, Lodz sw. Trojca Evang. #222
Translated from Polish:
Marriage Record No. 222, Lodz, Evangelical-Augsburg Parish of Sw. Jana, dated the 30th July 1927, of Max Ziegler, a young man, laborer, permanent resident of Lodz, born there, son of Alfred and Berta, born Jekel, deceased couple Ziegler, he is of Evangelical-Augsburg faith, he is 26 years old, and of a maiden, Olga Wilczynska, permanent resident of Lodz, lives with her mother, she was born in Karolewo, daughter of deceased tinsmith, Jozef Wilczynski, and of his wife, Emilia, born Schonrack, she is of Evangelical-Augsburg faith, and is 25 years old. The marriage was preceded by three marriage banns published in Lodz, Evangelical-Augsburg Parish of Sw. Jana. No prenuptial agreement entered into. Witnesses: Erwin Ziegler, a weaver, 27 years old, from Zgierz, and Jozef Wilczynski, a tinsmith, 33 years old, from Lodz.
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Thank you so much! Hope you are having a wonderful summer!