Translation request for 1815 marriage record from Białężyn
This is an 1815 marriage record from the Roman Catholic Church, Białężyn. I would like help transcribing the complete record and then translating it into English. The FamilySearch link is:
[This is my first post; I couldn't figure out how to upload an image of this record.]
This is my attempt at a transcription:
Die 3tia 9bris 1815. Praemissis 3 leg Bannis, du nulloq[ue] impedimento canonico detecto, Ego qui supra Lbrios [Laboriosus] Andream Jeżewski juvenem et Mariannam Degowna virginem inter[r]ogavi eudg mutuo consensu habito per verba de praesenti martrimonium conjunxi et denedinza praesentlu destily Paulo Kupenski, Josepho Szymbowzki, Wabenilizo Wisniewzki
I am fairly confident that the words in italics are accurate but cannot make out the words in bold.
Many thanks!
What I see after conjunxi et: "Benedixi Praesent[i]bus Testibus". I think that third given name at the bottom might be Walentino; I agree with your transcription of the other names in that section.
Marriage record, in Pacholewo, on the 3rd of September 1815, of Andraes [Andrzej in Polish] Jeżewski, a bachelor, and Marianna Dega (not Degowna, as -owna is commonly added to the end of female surnames to indicate they are unmarried). This marriage was preceded by 3 marriage banns. No impediment detected.Witnesses: Paul [Paweł] Kupenski, Joseph [Józef] Szymbowski/Szykowski, and Walentino [Walenty] Wisniewski.
Here are two sites with some good resources for translating latin and recognizing abbreviations:
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Thank you so much! As soon as I reviewed the original, I could see what you saw!
Again, thank you for your time, your expertise, and your generosity in helping me.
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You are so welcome! I looked at this a few times today and only as I was typing my response was I able to see the name Walentino. Good luck with your research!