Edited April 12, 2020 at 12:55 PM
HOW TECHNOLOGY WORKS (and sometimes doesn't work)
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In these recent weeks and months with the world almost upside down.
Many things have come more "in our face" as it relates to "technology" and how it works, works differently, or doesn't work (especially when flooded with millions of time more "load" than it is normally designed to handle)
In our Community Group of "How things Work" -
we discuss and share information about how technology works - both directly in genealogy, as well as other areas that may be indirectly linked to genealogy.
feel free to join our group! 😃
The Internet is such an "abstract' and ephemeral entity that many people really have no clue - what it really is - other than simply what it allows them to do. And in many cases thats just fine - like when we plug something into the wall - - we dont normally know how the electricity reaches us - we are just concerned that it is there when we need it
Having this in mind some video tutorials of possible interest:
especially as to how these topics may or may not have been impacted by the current COVID19 issue.
How the Internet Works
the only thing didn't like about this video was they compared the Internet to "a wire" - which I understand the analogy - but it is actually TRILLIONS of wires connected into a web - along with loads of fiber optics, sattellites, radio signals and computer hardware. Infinitely more complex than "a wire" - - but true in the most simple analogy - yes it is like a "wire"
The Web vs the Internet
How Cell Phones Work
How Computers work
ANY subjects - you would like to learn more about??
send me your comments my way - (feel free to send them privately if you wish)