Bubikon ZH - Census - 1683 - Schaufelberger
At the URL below is the census record for the Hans Conrad Schaufelberger household. About two thirds the way down the record is a list of the “dienst” in the household. One of them is a Conrad Schaufelberger and his wife and child. Above Conrad’s name is a statement that may give me the relationship between Conrad and Hans Conrad. I would appreciate some help to translate that line. I am going to attempt to upload the image using the method suggested by Wolf.
What is the number of the entry you want help with?
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It is XIX. The Hans Conrad Schaufelberger household.
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The "upload way around" seems to work 😀 (they even have corrected the link) … i'll look into it (give me some time).
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Will do.
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XIX ... Barenberg
Hans Conrad Schaufelberger, deß Ammts F. Bülers von Fäldbach Lähenmann allhier, gehörig in d(ie) Pfarr Fischenthal, (aged) 58
Elsbeth Egli (aged) 52
Kinder: Anna 30 / Rudolff 26 / Gejörg 23 / Elsbeth 19 / H(ans)Heinrich 17 / Rägula 12 / Burkhardt 11
Dienst(boten): Heinrich Schmied von Wald, conjug, 33
Beÿ ihm haltet sich auch auf sÿn Sohn
Conrad Schaufelberger 25 / Margreth Blöchlinger 31 / Kind: Hans Conrad 1
Ist mehrteils ein einfalt vnd zimlich vnwÿßend Fischenthaler-Gesind, da weder d(ie) Elteren nach (noch?) erste Kinder in einiche Schul kommen, sidhar (didher?) werdend d(ie) jüngeren fleißig dahin gehalten: habend a. Testament, b. Nachtmahls, c. geistlich rauchwerk. d. 2 fb 3 Zeügnußen.
Hans Conrad Schaufelberger got the property "on loan" from the administrator F. Büler from Feldbach (similar to XVII Hans Heinrich Schaufelberger). Hans Conrad Schaufelberger was from the parish of Fischenthal.
With all persons their (mostly religious) education is indicated by abbreviations, which I cannot interpret with confidence. If you are interested we could ask on Geneal-Forum for help.
Also living there are the servant Heinrich Schmied von Wald ZH and his wife (no name mentioned).
Apart from the ummarried children (mentioned first) there are also the son Conrad Schaufelberger, his wife Margreth Blöchlinger, and his son Hans Conrad. The parents had married on 03.10.1682 in Bubikon.
Several of them are simple-minded and ignorant Fischenthal servants, as neither the parents nor the first children went to school. Since then, the younger children have been diligently encouraged to do so and now have various skills.
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Wolf—Thank you very much for this translation. I had only asked for one line to be translated, but you went above and beyond! The entire translation has given me some great insight into this family that I did not have before. Your talent is greatly appreciated!
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Typical, the man is amazing!