Translation Request Birth Record Rosario Sacco
Could someone please translate this birth record Rosario Sacco is listed in Santo Stefano di Rogliano upper left?
Reported 2 Mar 1902
Francesco Perri, aged 27, farmer, residing in this municipality, who declared to me that at 3:10 a.m. on the first of the current month [1 Mar 1902], by Teresa Deni, wife of Michele Sacco, together living in this town, was born a male child, whom he presents to me and gives the name Rosario.
The declarant reported the aforementioned birth for having witnessed the birth by Deni, Teresa in place of her husband because he was absent from this Municipality. Having read this document to all those present, it is signed by me only after the declarant and witnesses said they did not know how to write.
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Thank you!
Was having the husband absent a common thing? Did it mean gone for business?
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It simply means he was "out of town" which is not only rather common, but could be for any number of reasons. It was a Saturday.