At the moment Keywords are used to find an image and once displayed the keyword[s] are highlighted in both the image and transcribed text. The highlight remains even when paging thru the image collection. I'd like to see a way to work with the keyword function AFTER entering an image collection. Either modifying the initial keyword or adding others. For example, if my initial search was "john jones", I'd like to change the keyword to "jones". If I wanted to add a new keyword for a surname I see in the image I could add that as well. These modified keywords would remain as I navigate thru the images just as currently implemented. Finally, I think it could be useful to have a new 'button' to highlight a 'set' of keywords associated with relationships e.g. mother, son, daughter, niece, etc etc
One way to implement this would be by allowing me to 'clear' all keywords from the image. I could then use the transcribed text to select a piece[s] of text to be highlighted in the image or just type in my own keyword[s]. Something along those lines anyway.
You should be really proud of what you've done with Text Search. A true game-changer!
I'll pass your suggestion along to the design team.