translation request Marriage Hugo Z/Forester
1913, Certificate #5 Ozorkow Evang.
Translated from Russian:
Marriage Record No. 5, Ozorkow, Evangelical Parish, dated the 1st February 1913, of Hugo Ziegler (Cigler in Russian), a bachelor, accountant, living in Zgierz, where he was born, 25 years old, son of a clothier, Adolf and Wilhelmina, born Herbrich, married couple Ziegler, and of a maiden, Eugenia Malwina Förster, living with her parents in Ozorkow, she is 19 years old, daughter of a teacher, Ernst Förster, and of Anna Theodora Salomea, born Łoskowska, married couple Förster. They are both of Evangelical-Augsburg faith. This marriage was preceded by three Marriage Banns published in Zgierz and in this Parish Churches. The oral permission for this marriage was granted by the fathers of the newly-weds. No prenuptial agreement entered into. This record was read and signed.