Translation- Was Nina adopted?
Wondering if Nina Sorensen was adopted by Ole Peder Olesen? Her mother, Vilhelmine married him when she was about 9 years old. Did he adopt her since the name was changed. Help with translation of this record.
Thanks so much!
I cannot tell from this birth record if Nina was actually adopted by Ole Peter Olesen but it is a good possibility since her surname is changed from her mother's surname to Ole Peter's. While searching for more information, I did come across the civil marriage for Ole Peter Olesen and Vilhelmine Sørensen. That record is here (right-hand page):
In the birth record, the column which lists the parents reads "Maid, nurse at (the) mental hospital Vilhelmine Sørensen, temporarily residing with Niels Mogensen, Damgaards Road". Under that in different handwritting it reads "now married to journeyman baker Ole Peter Olesen, Kirkebakken (a place?) 3/7 87 (it is probably supposed to be the mother's birthdate, but the marriage record lists her birthdate as 3 June 1887). Civilly married in Viby 23/3 1938". (See here for her birth record - entry 11:
)The column on the far right has some interesting information. I believe it is saying that "Ten months before the birth (the mother) was residing at the mental hospital Riis Skov [possibly as a nurse - the birth record gives her occupation as a "plejerske" which can be translated as "nurse"]. Noted in the Vejlby parish Ministerial book in the moving certificate from the parish priest. Dated 6 May (19)27".
The last three lines in that far right column may say something about 2 name changes (Navneændring?), one on 27 May 1908 and another on 2 April 1938. I have not been able to decipher the other words in those notes.
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Good job!
The last three lines say: Navneændring i Henh til lov 130 af 27/5 1908 § 11. Navneændringen sendt(?) Folberg 2?/4 1938. In English: Name change according to law 130 of May 27 1908 section 11. Name change sent Folberg on April 2? 1938.
The date 3/7 1887 in the comment added to Nina's record, seems to be the mother's christening date.
Maybe the law pragraph can give clues to whether Nina was adopted.
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Here is the law paragraph in Danish and English:
§ 11.
Har en kvinde, der er Moder udenfor Ægteskab, indgaaet Ægteskab med en anden end hendes Barns Fader,
kan Stedfaderen med Moderens Samtykke, for saa vidt hun har Forældremagten over Barnet, tillægge
dette sit Familienavn ved Anmeldelse til vedkommende Ministerialbog under Forevisning af Barnets
Fødsels(Daabs-)attest, sin egen Fødsels(Daabs-)attest eller Bevis for opnaaet Navneforandring og sin og
Moderens Vielsesattest. Barnets øvrige Retsstilling berøres ikke af denne Navneforandring.
I Tilfælde, hvor det er oplyst, hvem der er Barnets Fader, og dette tillige har faaet Faderens Navn, eller
denne er villig til at give Barnet dette, kan Stedfaderen dog ikke uden Faderens Samtykke give Barnet sit
Navn.Section 11.
If a woman who is a mother out of wedlock has entered into marriage with someone other than the father of her child,
the stepfather can, with the mother's consent, insofar as she has parental authority over the child,
give this his family name by reporting to the relevant ministerial book under presentation of the child's
birth (christening) certificate, one's own birth (christening) certificate or proof of a name change obtained and one's own and
the mother's marriage certificate. The child's other legal status is not affected by this name change.
In cases where it is stated who the child's father is, and this has also been given the father's name, or
the latter is willing to give this to the child, the stepfather cannot, however, without the father's consent give the child his
name.My conclusion is that she got her stepfather's family name, but she was not adopted. At least not at that point.
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Navneændringen sendt(?) Folberg 2?/4 1938 =
Navneændringen medd [meddelt = sent to] Folkerg [Folkeregistret] 2/4 1938
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I love that everyone helped on this. Thank you!! It helps me learn a lot!
@Anne-Kathrine Henriksen, where did you go to find the law you referenced? It could be very useful to know how to do that.
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I just googled danmarks lov 130 av 1908, and found a PDF: