Trouble with multiple Tags.
When viewing a Memory, you can tag the Memory to multiple people.
When you have Family Group Trees, the same person will have multiple, unique IDs. There are a few problems cropping up with having these multiple tags. The Engineers will be working to enhance usability of this feature.
One example of these problems is. . . If you have Family Group Trees, when you click to “Tag People” in a Memory, the Tag People pop-up box will offer multiple IDs for the same person (the Private Person ID and any Family Group Tree IDs).
You can tag all of them to the same face box. But if you edit a tag, it only changes the tag for that specific profile.
See images below to help clarify this issue.
The Engineers are aware of this issue. Along with several other issues related to these multiple tags. Changes will be coming soon.
Thanks to Engineer work! Most of these issues have resolved or are in the process of changing.