Horgen ZH - marriage - 1704 - Landis & Stünzi - Caspar & Elsbeth
Hirzel 1704 marriage Caspar Landis to Eliz Stünzin, 1675 Film 996924 page 154 translation
Second document.
Marriage record Hirzel ZH:
This is/was an interesting one, i.e. time consuming entry 😉.
Hans Caspar Landis / Elsbeth Stünzin von Horgen
Promulgatio (announcement) Sonntag den 13. April Allhier in Hirzel
Copulatio (marriage) Samstag den 22. dito zu Horgen cum sertis
First "cum sertis" (further down also "sine sertis"): sertis is Latin for the bridal wreath, indicating whether the bride was a virgin (or not). This issue is also discussed on https://www.geneal-forum.com/phpbb/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=19896.
So this marriage has been announced in Hirzel - but took place in Horgen - and according to https://suche.staatsarchiv.djiktzh.ch/detail.aspx?ID=4390888 on 20 (not 22) April.
Confusing are the dates in other aspects as well. 1704 was not too long after the Gregorian Calendar was introduced in Zürich (1701) - could that still have caused confusion? Let's look at the weekdays:
13.04.1704 (Sunday): Gregorian = Sunday / Julian = Thursday
20.04.1704: Gregorian = Sunday / Julian = Thursday
22.04.1704 (Saturday): Gregorian = Tuesday / Julian = Saturday
Further up on this page we have a marriage on Ostermontag (Easter Monday) 24.03.1704 - which would be correct for the Gregorian Calendar.
Next step would be to check the Horgen records - 20. April would make sense.
I have mentioned this marriage on https://www.geneal-forum.com/phpbb/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=33987 - from where you'll find a link to a longer discussion on Landis of Hirzel and Horgen and emigration to Germany. On https://www.geneal-forum.com/phpbb/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=21662#p79642 a list of Landis baptisms in Hirzel is attached, covering 1617-1698 (you have to be logged in to be able to open the attachment).
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WSeelentag The amount of information on the Geneal Forum is amazing. I found the marriage in Horgen and posted it just below the entry you just translated. Thanks for all the help and insights. Kent
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Marriage record Horgen ZH:
den 20. April (1704)
Caspar Landis und Elsbetha Stünzi
NB. Gehören in Hirzel
The note is a somewhat unusual wording - I guess it means they belong to, i.e. live in Hirzel.
Main point: the date 20. instead of 22. April is confirmed - the more plausible date as mentioned before.
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WSeelentag Thanks Wolf. Always good to confirm with two sources.0