Initial observations upon working with a family tree imported from RootsMagic
I tried importing the same family tree I had used initially from but somehow it ended up not being recognized as a GEDCOM file. Subsequently, I went to my RootsMagic file and downloaded a GEDCOM file that worked. First observations were that again, as was the case with the Ancestry family tree, Almost all the place entries are non-standard. With over 6000 names, It is unlikely that I can standardize even a small percentage of the names. Next, to match the work I have already done in the Family Tree, I will have spend a lot of time adding people to the RootsMagic/CET family tree. One of the first things I noticed was that a non-standard name entered from RM had an name entry that looked like this: Charles Godfrey DeFriez (Jarvis) (he adopted the surname Jarvis) GRVQ-J7S (FamilySearch FT entry KWCK-XQG) However, the name in parentheses came into the CET as a Suffix. In addition, because I have been working primarily on my part of the FamilySearch Family Tree, I have a lot of work to do adding people to my uploaded RootsMagic family tree to get to the point where I was with the FamilySearch Family Tree. I realize that added people from the FamilySearch Family Tree is coming in the future but until that time working with the CET will be painful. I noticed that the CET had active Research Help and so started adding the suggested record to my CET. At this point, I have to have an Edge browser open with the FamilySearch Family Tree, and windows open to see the View Relationship and another window open to work on the FamilySearch Family Tree. I am fairly sure that I will need at least five windows open in at least two browsers to do any work at all on the CET. I will stop adding to this discussion and start another one.
Thank you very much for your input and testing to help develop this new product. Please watch the announcements for future enhancements and supported features. As you know, the engineers are still working on the development of this product and have set priorities for rolling out those enhancements.
At this time, the use of 2 distinct browsers is the best option available to see a CET and a Family Tree open at the same time. This is a "cookies" issue and will be looked into at a later time.
Again, thank you for your valuable assistance with this product.