Wetzikon ZH - death - 1860 - Jenta - translation
Wetzikon 1860 burial 30 December Anna Jenta burial, Ettenhausen, translation
Fourth document down.
I found the Bürgerbuch which is lower on the same page.
I think the first column is the death date, the second the burial. They waited 6 days to bury her. I am interested in the other columns. The final columns I get.
They certainly got more organized in their entries by 1860.
Died Dec 24 / buried Dec 30 (1860)
Anna Wolfensperger - Jenta, Ettenhausen (born) 31 Dec 1802
Age 58 years 1 month 24 days
(see Bürgerbuch page) 577
(Comment, here: cause of death) Marasmus
See link below for the column headings:
1 -
Beautiful. Thanks for the translated header. Very helpful.
I must say it is very kind of you to look for old translation requests that were not answered!!!! My "Ottenbach ZH - death - 1744 - sidler - cause of death" was just such a request. It was posted in 2020. I recently found it and thought I would push it to the front of the queue. In the German community one of the moderators did the same for "lost" or forgotten requests.
All the best, Kent