Features: Currently Supported, Coming Soon & Not Yet Supported ....
🆕 Update: 11/14/2024 - Added features
- Descendancy Pedigree View - Now available for use in CETs (also in Family Tree & Family Group Trees) as an Opt-In experience. Please Opt-In and let us know how its doing.
- View Imported Tree Differences Slide Out Panel - This has been out for a bit now. There is still enhancements coming for this feature. The slide out panel for Tree Differences from the Import process is available from the Tree Details View, Landscape Pedigree view, Portrait Pedigree view & the Person Page view. NOTE: This option only appears if we found differences from the GEDCOM import, otherwise not visible as an option.
- Various bugs fixes - See Reported Issues section for specific - Update coming soon to this discussion thread.
Update: 09/25/2024 - Added feature…
- Following feature is now available for CET. You may now follow a person in your tree, add labels and see the list of just those you are following in the given tree you currently in. You can also still review the entire list you are following across all trees. Let us know any feedback ….
Update: 09/23/2024 - Added features & changes:
- Fan Chart view is available
- Enhanced Portrait view is available
Currently Supported Features: List of features are currently enabled and supported. For these, we would love your feedback and any issues that arise while using them.
- Ability to create a CET using our GEDCOM Import process. This will create the persons and relationships for those in the GEDCOM as well as adding their details including sources, source tagging and notes. Once your tree has been imported you can then make any changes to the data imported.
- Tree Change Log. You can now see changes specific to your CET. This is found in Tree Details and you will see the "Latest Changes". You can choose "Show All" to see the full list of changes and there are some initial filtering options available. (Released 25 June 2024)
- Updated Portrait Pedigree. The updated Portrait Pedigree allows for new ways to a navigate and add to your CET (Released 18 June 2024)
- Tree Details. You will have the ability in Tree Details to do the following as well as other actions in the future (see Features Coming Soon section):
- Invite other to help collaborate on your CET. You can send them a link to join you in your tree. Note: They can change anything in the tree so be mindful of this as you choose whom to invite.
- See Members of your Tree. On the Members tab you can see who has accepted invites into your tree and any outstanding invites. You can also do the following on this tab:
- Remove collaborators from your tree. As the owner of the tree you can remove access for those who you have invited.
- Add a co-owner to your CET. You can choose to assign another collaborator as a co-owner in your tree. They will then have the ability to invite others. You as the owner cannot be removed by other co-owners. You may also change the co-owner back to a regular collaborator if you so choose.
- Choose a Starting Person. You can specify the starting person who will appear by default in the tree views when going into your CET. This can be changed at any time from the Tree Details settings page.
- See Imported Tree Differences. This allows you to see any items the GEDCOM Import was unable to bring in or handle. This items will be enhanced in the future and only provides rudimentary information currently. Watch for changes here in our Features Coming Soon section.
- Private or Public Tree Setting. Under Privacy Setting in the Tree Details you can choose to make your tree public visible when your deceased individuals will be visible in searches or by links or make your tree private to just you and your collaborators. Note, even if you tree is public, only those who you invite can make edits still.
- Landscape and Sibling (Portrait) Pedigree Views. We currently support these two views and more coming soon…
- Memories Support. You can add Memories to your CET and tag them. We are still working on some tagging nuisances so what for updates here….
- Person List. You can find the persons imported from your GEDCOM as well as any new persons you add using our Person List feature.
- Recents List Support. Persons you navigate to or view in your CET will appear in your Recents list so you can quickly go back to them.
- Fan Chart Pedigree View
- Hinting/Attach Records. Note: Please be aware that because CET are completely separate tree collections from the Family Tree collection of tree data attachments in one tree are unrelated to attachments in any other tree. IOW: The persona of Howard Allor in the U.S. 1950 Census may be attached to the PID for Howard Allor in my CET -and- to the PID for Howard Allor in the Family Tree, and these attachments have no bearing on each other.
- Research Helps. Still working to ensure these work well with CET.
- Find/Search for a person
- Ancestry Integration in CET. There is a small gotcha. You can only link the person in Ancestry to one PID on FamilySearch & Ancestry has no concept of a CET. What that means is that, if you have linked them to someone in Family Tree, you may need to unlink the Ancestry person from a Family Tree person and relink them to the correct person in your CET. This shouldn't be a problem for those of you who are doing your genealogical research in your CET.
- Descendancy Pedigree View
- Review Attachments for Sources. This will display when viewing sources if a possible attachment for another person on the historical record exists but it is not yet working with CET.
Features Coming Soon: List of features in active development and scheduled to be released in the near future. Please do not log issues against these features if you encounter them as they are still in development.
- Possible Duplicates/Merging. This is not yet supported and we have tried to disable these features in Research Trees.
- Overview. The overview feature is still being developed for the CET.
Not Yet Supported: List of features that either are farther out in our development phase or may not be supported in CET.
- Tree 2 Tree Matching. User can see where other persons in the Family Tree match their persons in their CET.
- Copy Tree 2 Tree. Allow a user to copy from the Family Tree to their CET or visa versa.
- GEDCOM 7 Support.
- Mark Deceased Person as Private. Ability to mark a specific deceased person in your CET as Private even if your CET is Public. This will allow this person to be properly researched and sources before allowing others to view. NOTE: Collaborators who are invited to your tree can still see the private person.
- View my Relationship. CET may not contain someone you are related to and we have disabled this feature. This may appear in the future at some point but will not operate as it does today in the Family Tree.