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I would like to have the choice of showing (or not) every kid of someone who had more than one relationship on the "portrait" way. It's hard to choose those relatives I want to be seen and the others I'll need to hide… Because we're all family, despite being from a first spouse or a second, etc. I don't like the fact some cousins are shown, but when I try to show their half-siblings, the former ones disappear. They're all my cousins… 😕 Please allow me to do that (and also to have the option of making a PDF with everyone I chose to be shown).
Thank you for your feedback. I apologize that it has taken some time to respond.
When you are viewing a couple that either or both, husband and wife, have more than one spouse the children are only attached to the spouse they are biologically connected to. The other spouse with biological children would have to be opened separately.