Translation Request
I am having a hard time reading the residence places on the marriage record for my Danish ancestors Mads Nielsen and for Karen Kirstine Pedersdatter. I'd like to find out where Karen was living so I can look for her parents. I'm also a bit confused as to which date is the marriage date.
This is a the Danish Archives link to the record
This is the record on FamilySearch.
It looks like my people are the second entry down on the page labeled with a 4.
Stigs Bjergby Sogn:
Enkemand og Inderste Mads Nielsen, her af Byen, 34 Aar gl.
Pigen Karen Kirstine Pedersdt. tienende i Nybiere Bye [Ny Bjergby]
Gaardmand Hendrik Pedersen, her af Byen og Jens Andersen i Nybierby [Ny Bjergby]
efter foregaaende Tillysning d. 27 April og 4 og 11 Mai
Viede i Kirken d. 4 Junii [Juni]