can someone please clarify a bit - who should/can be using this url and see their UI revert back to the pre-change code>
Am I correct that it does NOT - always revert a current user back to the old pre-change code?
just those who were part of FGT?
That URL will only disable the Family Group Trees experience for those who opted into via Labs. Anyone can visit the URL, but it won't visibly "appear" to do anything. In the background, it will disable the Family Groups Tagging though, which is very helpful for some. This doesn't relate directly to the new Memory Viewer.
Family Group Tree is a separate feature that will not be released to the public until (estimated) the second half of the year. The new Memory Viewer will be fully released this month, assuming the "Known Issues" are successfully resolved. It will not include the family tagging, "limited access" visibility, or other related features until Family Group Trees is finished, tested, documented, etc. I don't have any specific details about FGT beyond this.