translation request
In the year 1879, the 7th of the month July, appeared before us, …etc etc,Tjeerd Dijkstra, aged 36 worker, residing in Sint Jacobi Parochie (Saint Jacob's Parish), who declared at us that his wife Aagje Kuiken at the 6th of this month, at 9 o clock after the noon.;( so evenings) give birth in the homestead to a child of the female gender , given the name 'Eke'
'In tegenwoordigheid van' …etc , (in the presence of (witnesses) Then names of these…on is a civil clerck, at the desk, one is a workman that does not seem related; and signatures after that.
This is a bit of a condensed version of …etc..
This is the location and how it is written today, also if you translate the whole in google translate, you will have the locations wedging/surrounding the parish..