Kriegstetten SO - death - 1799 - Guttmann - origin
I would like to ask if someone can kindly help me read a word in an infant's death record in Kriegstetten, SO:
Joseph filius August Guttman et A. Maria Frey [word]. Date of death 29 October.
I specifically need help with the word after the mother's name, and what it refers to. There is a small blue mark next to the record to make it easier to spot.
Record location:
Thanks in advance,
Suzana Stucka
Joseph filius August(u)s Guttmann et A(nna) Maria Freÿ rothenb(urg)
born 29 Oct 1798 / died 24 May 1799
From the position of the word we have to expect an origin - usually preceded by an "ex" (= from) - which is missing here. As it is an abbreviation, it could also stand for rothenburgenses - which would explain the missing ex - and wouldn't change the meaning. Rothenburg is e.g. a community in canton Luzern.