Johan Wilhelm Engvall, born 1 April 1843 somewhere in Jönköping, not sure whether the city or the munincipality, appears in this record I stumbled across on My Heritage. This shows that he moved into this area in 1859 and from where, but I have no idea what this abbreviation means. I have checked page 340 in this same clerical survey and unless I am overlooking him, he is not there. The parish he is in is covered by three books in total but I can't see him on page 340 on the other two books for the area.
The full page is here:
which is from: Jönköpings Kristina kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00170/A I/39 (1856-1861), bildid: C0022059_00232, sida 213
I have found him in the next book in the same location:
which is from: Jönköpings Kristina kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00170/A I/43 (1861-1866), bildid: C0022063_00189, sida 190
As well as the record of his move to Göteborg (entry 111):
which is from: Jönköpings Kristina kyrkoarkiv, Inflyttningslängder, SE/VALA/00170/B I/2 (1851-1863), bildid: C0022095_00182, sida 349
(Any hints as to how to find him in Göteborg would be appreciated. The lists of people moving in don't seem to be very complete.)
My overall goal is to try to prove he is the same Johan Wilhelm Engvall born 1843 in Jönköping, the son of Gabriel Engvall, who married Eli Samsonsdatter Haugland on 22 December 1872 at Stord, Hordaland, Norway.
either by tracing him from Göteborg forward to Norway or tracing him back to his birth place to see if his father is Gabriel, or both.
Here's what I have found. Hopefully there is something here that will help you in your search.
Here are the lists of places he was found in, there maybe more but these were the ones I could quickly look at:
Johan Wilhelm Engvall, 1 April 1843
Jönköpings Kristina AI:43 (1861-1866) Image 202 / Page 190
shown here as a worker
Johan Wilhelm Engvall, 1 April 1843
Jönköpings Sofia (F) AI:14 (1856-1861) Image 3870 / Page 340
Shows he is a worker and says to go to page 416
Johan Wilhelm Engvall,
Jönköpings Sofia (F) AI:14 (1856-1861) Image 4730 / Page 416
Shows the same info as above. There is a note that I believe says modern pigen Martha Svensdotter 1845 äf bäk p. 323. This might infer that his mother was unmarried when she gave birth to him, and her name may have been Martha Svensdotter, and it may say that she is from a village called Bäck. Unfortunately, there are several places in Jönköppings with that name.
When turning to page 323, Jönköpings Sofia (F) AI:14 (1856-1861) Image 3700 /
page 323 it says that that there is a married woman who is now widowed. Her name is Martha Svensdotter Andersson born 18/3 1803 (perhaps Andersson is the name of her widowed husband). It says she is from Bjurbäck (proably Bjursbäck in Jönköpings--perhaps what was refered to as Bäk in the other entry.) She has two children listed, a son Johan August born 9/11 1839, and a daughter named Sofia born 27/12 1842. Both appear to be born in Jkpg. It says she moved from page 250 in 1857, and then moved later to page 246.
Jönköpings Sofia (F) AI:14 (1856-1861) Image 2890 / Page 250.
When looking at this page, the information is the same but it says that the son is studying in Raul?
I didn't have time to research more, but maybe you can find what you're looking for.
here he is in a list in Göteborg:
Source: Göteborgs Garnisonsförsamling AIa:10 (1857-1871) Image 34 / Page 24
It appears that the list for those working in the batteries of the Kings artillery which began in 1857. You would have to research more to find out what that is.
It says at the beginning of the register that he is in company 9 page 23.
In battery 9 on page 24, it appears he that he perhaps enlisted in 1863. There is a number also, 128. Perhaps that is his enlistment number.
I'm afraid I didn't give you any answers, just more questions.
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Same time searching:
That abbreviation means westra förstaden and that can be found from Jönköpings Sofia, west part of Jönköping.
Jönköpings Sofia (F) AI:14 (1856-1861) Image 3870 / Page 340 (fostersonen)
same book, page 403 also fosterson
same book, page 416, Fosterparents: Anders Petersson 10.6.1806(Lekeryd) and Katharina Svesdotter 9.9.1805 (Åker)
Jönköpings Sofia (F) AI:12 (1851-1855) Page 391 and Page 370, Fosterparents and mother Märtha Svensdotter mentioned
Birth date of Johan Wilhelm is 1.7.1843
I followed that Martha Svensdotter Andersson :Jönköpings Sofia (F) AI:14 (1856-1861) from page 323 to 250
then Jönköpings Sofia (F) AI:12 (1851-1855) Page 244 and then page 131 where Martha's late husband is; Daniel Andersson and he dies 18.11.1855
They came from Jönköpings Kristina AI:34 (1851-1856), page 224
No mentions of Johan Wilhelm Engvall, and it is not possible for a child to born into this family with a date 1.4.1843 because there is already a daughter born 27.12.1842.
If Johan Wilhelm is a child of this Martha Svensdotter, then his birth date is not correct.
With a birth date 22.7.1843 there is born Johan Wilhelm , illegitimate barn to maid Martha Svensdotter. Jönköpings Kristina
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Thank you both. I'll evaluate these records careful. I can see now how the notation says "W. förs." but wouldn't have know what that was referring to anyway.
I did some searching in the Norwegian records and after several different modifications to search criteria found him in both the 1900 and 1910 census records. The 1910 census was the first to include actual birth dates. They are not always accurate, but it does give a birth date for the Johan Wilhelm in Norway of 1 April 1843.
With the help you have both provided I hope I'll be able to build a strong connection between the Swedish and Norwegian records.
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I'd appreciate a quick opinion on:
line 151 on the right hand page, Utflyttade.
People could pick up a new surname in the military and Stark sounds like a typical one so this has at least a possibility of being Johan Wilhelm Engvall.
What are likely possibilities for his destination? It would have to be the only one on the page that is blurred. By any stretch of the imagination, could it really be Bergen?
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Yes, Stark is a military surname. Do you have the clerical survey page, where this yngl. Johan Wilhelm Stark is before he moves out? Destination could be Bergen, but the word seems to be longer.
Johan Wilhelm Engvall was a gesällen=handcraft master's apprentice when he moved from Jönköping to Göteborg, possibly painter. What is the occupation of Johan Wilhelm Engvall in Norway?
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All the Norwegian sources for the Johan Wilhelm in Stord that I have been able to find are on his Family Tree profile at:
He is a painter in the 1875 census:
Here is the 1910 census:
He had a child on 29 Oct 1872 and married the mother the following December, so leaving Sweden in November 1871 would be consistent with known information.
There is no sign of him in the records of move-ins to Stord, but I have found those records to be very incomplete.
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I believe that your Johan Wilhelm Engvall born in Jönköping is really same person who you had found
With a birth date 22.7.1843 there is born Johan Wilhelm , illegitimate barn to maid Martha Svensdotter. Jönköpings Kristina
But were his fathers name came from?
And then he is mentioned with his foster parents
Jönköpings Sofia (F) AI:12 (1851-1855) Page 391 and Page 370, Fosterparents and mother Märtha Svensdotter mentioned
Birth date of Johan Wilhelm is 1.7.1843
Jönköpings Sofia (F) AI:14 (1856-1861) page 416, Foster parents: Anders Petersson 10.6.1806(Lekeryd) and Katharina Svesdotter 9.9.1805 (Åker)
same book, page 403 also fosterson
same book, Image 3870 / Page 340 (fostersonen)
Then he went to learn a trade with målaremestare Ringström (painting master)
Jönköpings Kristina kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00170/A I/39 (1856-1861), bildid: C0022059_00232, sida 213
Jönköpings Kristina kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00170/A I/43 (1861-1866), bildid: C0022063_00189, sida 190
When he moved from Jönköping to Göteborg he is mentioned as gesällen=handcraft master's apprentice
What he did in Göteborg, it seems that he went to serve in military in 9de Fält Batteriet, soldier number 44.
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Johan Wilhelm Stark is NOT same person as Johan Wilhelm Engvall
Göteborgs Garnisonsförsamlings/Kronohusförsamling/, Personalförteckningar Militärer., SE/GLA/13183/A I a/10 (1857-1871), bildid: C0040465_00141, sida 247
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Thanks! It is always good to have a fuzzy possibility definitely ruled out.
The source I have for his father's name is just his marriage record:
the last record on the page were he is listed as Snedker Gabriel Engvall.
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Found him a couple of steps farther back!
1845-1846 (with mother and father) & 1847-1850 (then back with father or just annotation?)
(His mother is living with widower Gabr. Engvall)
(on page 323 just as recorded in the other clerical survey records)
1846-1847 (with mother until she died)
1850-1851 (now with foster parents)
1851-1853 (with foster parents)
Now I just need to find him back one more book that would cover 1843. He and his mother do not appear to where I would expect them to be, that is, the same place as in 1845.
Having his profession the same in Sweden and Norway and having confirmation that his fathers name is the same in Sweden and in Norway ties all this up nicely even without a record of him leaving the military and moving from Sweden.
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There is a chance that his mother and stepmother are sisters. Both are Svensdotters and from Åker.
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Foster parents if it helps and you haven´t found them already
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Johan Wilhelm with his mother
and next page is widow Gabriel Engvall with his two daughters
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Thank you for filling in that final hole. Now I just need to assemble all this in Family Tree.