Gyorgy Miksa in Giarmata, Timis, Romania, born 29 Dec 1885 to Lyr John Miksa and Magdalena (Ellen)
Do you know how common the surname Miksa is in Giarmata before 1906 and what religion the surname Miksa would of practiced?
Also, today do you know how many Romanians have taken Dna Tests? Is it beginning to be popular to Dna test in timis, Romania?
Does anyone know if there are other records that I could look in to find confirmation of a birth besides church records in Timis, Romania?
1913 gazetteer:
Temesgyarmat. 1016 houses, 5267 residents, German majority, Romanian and Hungarian minority; churches: Roman Catholic local, Greek Orthodox in Csernegyház. Civil registry local, courts and tax office Temesvár, police Temesremete.1907:
Temesgyarmata large community/village, administrative possessions: Istvánházi farm, Lukin farm, and Überland vineyard. 971 houses, 5322 residents, German majority, Romanian and Hungarian minority, RC local, Gr.Or. Csernegyház, courts and tax office Temesvár, police Brukenau.Dvorzsák (1877):
Gyarmatha (aka Gyarmata, Gormot); administrative possession Erzsébetházi farm. Residents: Roman Catholic 4575, local, Csanád bishopric; GC 10 --; Greek Orthodox 184, Csernegyház; Lutheran 5 --, Reformed 22 --, Jewish 48, Temesvár.
(Dashes for a denomination's recording location indicates that it was not known or not determined.)Miksa is derivationally a Hungarian family name; it originates as an unmarked patronymic based on a diminutive of either Mihály (=Michael) or Miklós (=Nicholas), and it's found as a surname as early as the 1400s (sometimes spelled Mixa). However, by the 20th century, all of this is just historical trivia, not necessarily relevant to the family in question.
People have been reporting on the Hungarian genealogy lists that Romania is scanning stuff and putting it online, but it's a work in progress, and I don't know how to use it, as I don't know that language ( It does offer a glimmer of hope that perhaps with some patience, the civil registers for circa-1906 Temesgyarmat will become available online.
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Thank you Julia.
Becky Heath