translation request marriage Samuel Ludwig 1833
Samuel Ludwig/Karolina Schulz
1833 Dabie, Evang
Scan 65, Cert. 39
Translated from Polish:
Marriage Record No. 39, Dabie, Evangelical Parish, dated the 26th November 1833, of Samuel Ludwig, a clothier, resident of Dabie, a widower, he was born in Sarnowo, son of George, a clothier, and of Katarzyna, born Bär, married couple Ludwig, he is 37 years old, and of a maiden, Johanna Karolina Szulz, daughter of Karol Gottlieb, a clothier, and of Johanna Chrystyanna, born Bantek, married couple Szulz, residents of Dabie, she is 22 years old, born in Rawicz, and staying with her parents. This marriage was preceded by three Marriage Banns in Dabie Parish. Oral permission of present parents of the bride was granted. No impediment detected. No prenuptial agreement entered into. Witnesses: Benjamin Seiffert, a clothier, resident of Dabie, 46 years old, and Daniel Hoffman, a clothier, resident of Dabie, 53 years old. Signatures of Samuel Ludwig, Benjamin Seiffert, Daniel Hoffman, and Johanna Karolina Shulz.
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