Oberwinterthur ZH - Census - 1634 - several names - page title
At the URL below is the last pages of the 1634 Oberwinterthur Census. It is a list of names only, but not like the rest of the census which is organized by family. I cannot read the headings on the top of the pages and need some help translating them. I am curious if it is a list of orphans. In 1629 there was a major plague of the Black Death where about 25% of the population died. I cannot find the parents of the family I am researching, but I see the names of a couple of their children on this list. Any help is appreciated.
Left page: Verzeichnis der Knaben und Töchtern so inn dem 1634 und dem vorgenden 1633 Jahr die Schulen bsucht / Schul Oberwinterthur.
List of sons and daughters who had attended school in 1634 and the previous year 1633 / School Oberwinterthur. In the list itself a few more locations are mentioned - I recognise Rüttlingen (today = Reutlingen)
Right page (not absolutely sure): Inn die Schul Schen(?) sind fragen gangen.
Who went to School Schen(?) in order to ask - whatever that implies.