Cerco aiuto traduzione
František was born as illegitimate during the "Kellner" circus stay in Žamberk town. His father's details were inserted later, one month (on 21 Jul 1905) after the wedding (on 20 Jun 1905). The father took this child as his own.
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Nowadays, you can verify, though indirectly, if this father was the real biological father, by taking an autosomal DNA test. You should find common ancestors with the Despinoix line in your matches.
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Grazie , grazie mille. Com'è difficile la storia della mia famiglia.
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Buon pomeriggio, gentili componenti del gruppo della Cechia , potrei avere una traduzione maggiormente dettagliata dell'atto di nascita di Vilhem Despinoix? Grazie di cuore
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Do you mean father details from František's birth record?
Nemanželský otec se před dvěma svědky přihlásil a za vepsání svého jména do matriky žádal:
Wilhelm Despinoix, katolík, jezdec cirkusu "Oriental", manželský syn Antonína Despinoix, přednosty stanice ve výslužbě v Jaroslavi v Polsku /catera ignota/
Oddáním rodičů dne 20. června 1905 v Chrudimi (viz vytah z kopul. matr. Chrudimské ze 20. června 1905) bylo dítě toto co: "František Despinoix" legitimováno dle výnosu min... ze 12. září 1868 č. 3649.
Or another record? If so, then create a new thread for it. Thanks.