Translation Request: Sweden
Would someone please look at this Household Examination record for Olof Olofsson and his wife Brita living with her parents, The numbers are sequential, so: #5 looks like she is daughter to Eric Andersson, sister to Brita, Olof's wife. What is the abbreviation before her name? #8 Pehr: seems to be living with Eric's family. Is he related, and what is the writing after his name?
Household Examination: Gyllby, Tegelsmora, Uppsala, Sweden AI:2 1735-1752, p.8, Image 71. Genline GID: 2264.23.94400
The abbreviation before Maria Ericsdotter is "Dr N.1" which means that she is a daughter to No. 1, i.e., Eric Andersson. Similarly, line #9 Maja Pehrsdotter is "Dr N.5" = daughter of Maria Ericsdotter.
The abbreviation before #8 seems to be gåß which means probably gåße, an older spelling of gosse = boy, a male child who is not a son of the family. It is not clear if he is related in some way. The words after his name seem to be "if: klockaren tilbaka". I am unsure about the abbreviation if: it appears in other entries as well. klockaren means bellringer, and tilbaka is back.