Color & symbol size
From the beginning the new Source Linker screen has felt like "too much." It is so bright and busy. I know that's the new "look and feel" but I find it distracting.
One big issue for me is the Detach. Is it necessary to have the symbol so big? Do you need the symbol and the word? It's also distracting to have that big blue circle when it's right next to a pink circle for a woman. Can they at least be different sizes?
The Compare button has some of the same issues, but at least it's not quite the same color as the pink circle for a woman.
@CherylMillerBlack Thank you for posting your comments on the colors and icons of the New Source Linker. I have reviewed this with the engineers, and they are considering your comment and evaluating how to make it easier and less distracting. You can follow the progress on this at the Source Linker Known Issues page under Suggested Enhancements.