How to find records?
My friend gave up a son for adoption. He was born October 5, 1966 in Fresno, California, in the old St. Agnes Hospital. The adoption went through Sacred Heart Catholic Services. She has done DNA. Any other thoughts on how she might find him? What is interesting is her two other sons were adopted by her second husband. The birth records showing the natural father are showing on California records, which were supposed to be sealed. Thank you
@PABulfinch If she has a valid medical reason she might be able to obtain a copy of the original birth certificate by filing a petition in the clerk's office of the county superior court where the adoption was finalized.
For the few people that I have helped find a biological mother, they had a few facts to go on such as her age, where she was from, occupation, etc. Besides DNA I don't know where you would start to find records without any details. She could have given birth in Fresno but didn't necessarily live there.
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@PABulfinch California is one of the states in which adoption records are sealed. However, you may be able to obtain a copy of the original birth certificate by filing a petition under California Health and Safety Code Section 102705 in the clerk's office of the county superior court where you reside (if you live in California), or the county where the adoption was finalized. In your petition, you must show good and compelling cause for the granting of the order. It is at the sole discretion of the court as to whether the original birth certificate will be unsealed.
Please contact the clerk's office of the county superior court where you reside or where the adoption was finalized on how to petition the court. Use the link below to find the appropriate superior court’s contact information.For more information about how to obtain the original birth certificate from the Office of Vital Records, please contact them directly at:
Phone Number: (916) 445-8494 or (916) 557-6074
Website: hope this information is helpful.
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