Same Memories, Different IDs
Maybe hers were Private and now need to be shared with the group? Maybe yours were Public?
This appears to be controlled by the Visibility setting which is accessible in a couple of different locations.
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To invite your wife to the group, you would have created an ID for her in your group. The invitation you sent her was linked to that ID. That one would not have any memories. Did she copy her profile from her private space into your group? Doing so should bring all the memories on that profile into the group.
After that you need to merge the ID for her you created and the ID that she created for herself when copying her profile over. To do this you have to use Merge By ID. However, some people are reporting that this is not working right now.
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She did Identify herself in the family tree when she joined. We did try the merge by id but it gave an error about privacy settings on her original ID. I didn't see anything on her profile settings that indicated private.
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I did check some of her memories and they are public.
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@JohnDFarmer Right, when she joined the group, she would be identified with the ID you created, but now she will need to either
- Copy herself into the tree and then merge that new ID with the ID you created (that will effectively merge all of your memories attached to her, with her memories attached to herself).
- Or she can manually click through all her own memories and add them to her new family group tree ID. This isn't as onerous as it sounds, as they have created a new way of tagging memories, so you can see which individuals in which trees are tagged.
Try it out and see which works better for you.
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Updates to the system have included the ability to copy & merge. So when you join a group and COPY your personal profile to the Family Group Tree, it automatically merges with the initial profile of you in that Family Group Tree…so you don't have to do a merge for yourself!