Location Help
Trying to locate records listed in the tree. Location reads Zarzyn, Konin, Wielkopolskie, Poland. I don't see records for Zarzyn. When I look at maps, they are two separate areas. Can anyone shed some light on these locations to help me better understand where I should look for records?
Thank you!
If it helps, I'm looking for Johann Ludwig Milas born about 17Apr1825 and death about 04Nov1871
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For the benefit of those who may try to help, the PID is KXL2-2ZV. There are no sources attached and no current research helps. Also no sources attached to his parents.
@CherylPappalardo You'll see that the locations for his birth and death are flagged in red as non-standardized places.
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Johann (Jan) Ludwig Milas' marriage is in the poznanproject. They found the info in the protestant church book of Konin (no. 39/1843). I think that his death might be in those church books too - but the later church books are written in cyrillic and I can't be completely sure (no. 111/1871).
The churchbooks are on familysearch with access from a familysearch center. https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/407622?availability=Family%20History%20Library
Kind regards
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Translated from Polish:
Micr. 008002501 Image 377 of 718
Marriage Record No. 39, Konin, Evangelical Parish, dated the 29th November 1843, of Jan Ludwik Milas, a young man of Evangelical faith, son of Andrzej Milas, a tenant farmer from Zarzyn and of his deceased wife, Maryanna, born Szitke (Schitke?), he is 18 years old, lives with his father in Zarzyn, where he was born, and of a maiden, Wilhelmina Krause, daughter of Maliasz and Anna Rozyna, born Steinke, married couple Krause, settlers, already deceased, she is 19 years old, and of Evangelical faith, she lives in Holendry Slawskie (?), where she was born. This marriage was preceded by three marriage banns published in this Church. Oral permission of the father of the groom and of Pawel Steinke, the guardian of the bride were given. No impediment to this marriage was detected. No prenuptial agreement entered into. Witnesses: Jan Bohr, a settler from Zarzyn, 29 years old, and Piotr Henkel, a settler from Holendry Slawskie, 42 years old.
The Evangelical Parish for Zarzyn was Konin, as it was very near Konin. See pilot.pl map. Unfortunately, we have records from this Parish only beginning with year 1827.
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Micr. 008029251 Image 97 of 655
Translated from Polish:
Birth Record No. 17, Kawnice, Roman-Catholic Parish (for Zarzyn) of Jan Ludwik Milas, born in Zarzyn (here spelled as Rzarzyn) on the 17th April 1825, birth reported on the 25th April 1825, son of Andrzej Milas, a settler, 42 years old, resident of Zarzyn (Rzazyn), and of his wife, Maryanna Szilke (Schilke?), 38 years old. Witnesses: Gottfryd Herieg, a settler 27 years old and Michal Wieke, a tenant farmer, 32 years old, both from Zarzyn (Rzarzyn).
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Micr. 008027321 Image 1476 of 1600
Translated from Russian:
Death Record No. 111, Konin, of Ludwik Milas, who died in Zarzyn on the 4th November 1871, death reported on the 5th November 1871, he lived in Zarzyn, he was 54 years old, a settler, at death he left widowed wife, Julianna, born Eberhard. Death reported by Martin Schive, 52 years old, from Wieruszew, and Gottlieb Hennig, 36 years old, from Zarzyn.
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Thank you so much Maria!
My great grandfather Friedrich Milas always told the story that he saw his father, Ludwig, get killed by being dragged by a horse and wagon. Is there any way to find out how Ludwig passed? I'd love to validate his story.
I will be attending Roots Tech and I plan on coming to the library during my stay. I hope I get to see you again! I will be tracking down all the children Ludwig and his first wife Wilhelmina Krause and second wife Julianna Eberhard had.
Thanks again!!!
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It is only in death records written in columns that the cause of death is given. When the death records are in narrative form, as it is here, there is no cause of death stated. It will be good to see you again at RootsTech. I will be in the Library 1-8 pm, from Monday till Saturday.