Looking for Birth Records in Czeresnia, Russian Empire
I'm working on my daughter-in-law's genealogy and in search of her great grandfather (Nikolai Ignatowich/Ignatowizc/etc birth place and birth records. I have him in the tree at https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/LR18-TZF I believe I've found his 1914 immigration records. There's also a 1909 immigration record but both indicate Nikolai was born in Czeresnia. In his 1916 marriage record https://a860-historicalvitalrecords.nyc.gov/view/8898495 his parents are Roman (Ignatowich) and Elena Obodniesci?? and he's born in Minsk.
There seem to be a few Minsks in the old Russian Empire but where is Czeresnia?
Maybe born in "Czereszla" near Nowogródek in modern-day Belarus not too far from Minsk
also maybe
There are two Czereśnia villages in previous (before 1918) Lvov province (in Żółkiew county and in Dobromil county)
Maybe someone in the group is familiar with this location or can point me in the right direction.
Gary Romsaas
Dear Gary:
We are going to give you the link to the Russian Empire Wiki. https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Russia_Genealogy. There are link to vital records there. Also, do you have access to Ancestry.com? There are some public member trees there. The one I looked at did not have birth records, but I thought you might like to collaborate with the others working on this line. On the main page, go to "Search," then "Public Member Trees". Put in who are you looking for. I found putting in the wife's name helped greatly.
If you do not have access to Ancestry.com, please go to a nearby FamilySearch Center. To find one, click on the icon to the left of the world (it has a dot in it), then "Find a Center". Put in your address, city, or region, and a list of Centers will appear.
Good luck to you, Gary. Let me know how this goes for you, OK?