Translation Ziegler Dabie 1890/91
Translation Dabie 1890/91
Scan 65, certificate 32
Translated from Russian:
Marriage Record No. 32, Dabie, Eavangelical Parish, dated the 23rd November 1890, of Bogumil Ziegler (Cigler in Russian), a clothier living in Dabie, 37 years old, of Evangelical faith, born in Dabie, son of deceased Bogumil and Rozalia, born Wandke, he is a widower after death of Wilhelmina Tide, (death record No. 67, year 1890), and of a maiden, Julianna Schmidt, 44 years old, (Birth Record No. 142, year 1846), she is Evangelical, born in Dabie, daughter of August, a clothier, living in Dabie and of Carolina, born Ludwig, married couple Schmidt, she stays with her parents. This marriage was preceded by three Marriage Banns published in Dabie Evangelical Church. The newly marrieds state that they entered into a prenuptial agreement on the 11th November 1890, in Dabie with notary, Stanislaw Domanski. Witnesses: Karol Raich and Juliusz Ziegler (Cigler in Russian), each 53 years old, clothiers from Dabie. Signatures of B. Ziegler, J. Schmidt, J. Ziegler, and K. Raich.
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