Good evening
I was advised to join the Poland Research group to help me in my research.
We should appreciate to obtain the following images the references we have obtained on your site.
It concerns the SZCZYGIEL family of Grobla/Dwirnia/Bochnia area and Tarlow Diocese
for Victoria born 1912-01-18 : Digital Folder Number 004665747_005_M9SC-ZMS Image Number 143 - residence place 87
for Piotr born 1909-08-29 : Digital Folder Number 004665747_005_M9SC-ZMS Image Number 131
for Josepha born 1906-06-28 : Digital Folder Number004665747_005_M9SC-ZMS Image Number 115
for Thekla born 1904-04-04 : "Poland, Church Books, 1568-1990", FamilySearch ( ).
for Franciszek born 1901-07-06 : not found
for Marianna born 1897-12-25 : Digital Folder Number 004665747_005_M9SC-ZMS Image Number 82
for Jan born 1895-12-28 : Digital Folder Number 004665747_005_M9SC-ZMS Image Number 74
I am implementing resarch in Poland to find the family history of Thekla SZCYGIEL who emigratres in France at the age of 19 in 1921 and married with a Frenchman in 1923.
Her grand daughter Laurence TAVARES should like to find her Polish roots and plan to go to Poland in May with her mother.
We know from the wedding act that she was born in Grobla around in 1904 from Adam SZCZYGIEL and Katarzyna SIUDAK.
We have found their wedding in 1894-03-21 in Mikluszowice/Grobla area ( Malopolska)
Grobla is located near Cracovie in Drwinia/Mikluszowice area and Tarnow diocese.
Best regards
Thank you very much for your help and your incredible efficiency !!!
We appreciate a lot .
Is there a possibility to have a direct access to these datas thru internet for further investigations ?
Best regards
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Yes, if you come to Salt Lake City, Family Search Library.
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I have read with a great attention the acts sent .
I should like to check some points concerning these acts being not familiar with Polish acts
and having to identify properly the spelling of the names.
I suppose that the names written on the last column correspond to godfather and godmother with eventually the names of their wife or husband.
1 - Concerning Jan 1895 act I read Matheus SZCZYGIEL as godfather
2 - Concerning Marianna 1897 act - godfather Adam BOZEK ? - godmother Marianna nwr? wife ? of Franciszek SZCZYGIEL
3 - Concerning Franciszek and Anna 1901 act - difficulties to read the names Franciscus PLASER ? et Clara ? PAULI ... ? / Petrus OSIKA ? and Marianna wife ? Thomas SZCZYGIEL
4 - Concerning Thecla 1904 act : godfather Adalbertus KOJSCER ?? - godmother Thecla SZCZYGIEL wife ? Adalbert PAULEA ???
5 - Concerning Josefa 1906 act : godfather Franciscus SZCZYGIEL , godmother Maria ? wife ? Adami PICHOR ?
6 - Concerning Piotr 1909 act : godfather Petrus MRORINK ? , godmother Anna SZCZYGIEL ? Thomas ??
Thanks again .
Best regards
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1 – Correct interpretation: Concerning Jan 1895 act Matheus SZCZYGIEŁ as godfather
2 - Concerning Marianna 1897 act - godfather Adam BOŻEK - godmother: Marianna, wife of Franciszek SZCZYGIEŁ
3 - Concerning Franciszek and Anna 1901 act - Franciscus PLASER and Clara of PAUL Wągroda, Petrus OSIKA and Marianna wife of Thomas SZCZYGIEŁ
4 - Concerning Thecla 1904 act : godfather Adalbertus KOJSCARZ - godmother Thecla SZCZYGIEŁ wife of Adalbertus PAWLEN
5 - Concerning Josefa 1906 act : godfather Franciscus SZCZYGIEŁ, godmother Maria wife of Adam Pichór
6 - Concerning Piotr 1909 act : godfather Petrus MROZIUK, godmother Anna SZCZYGIEŁ wife of Thomas
You may use to compare the spelling of Polish surnames, ? replacing a Polish letter or difficult to read letter and * replacing several letters. Clicking on text in blue, you will find the explanations of abbreviations for various locations. Map will show you the locations, you will need Kr for Kraków.
You may use – to get specific Polish letters to search for indexed records in entire Poland by Geneteka indexing company, unfortunately, there are no Grobla records indexed so far.