Translation help_Pietrapezia, Italy_birth record
Could I get help in reading pertinent details from this birth record, please? Names of the parents, birthdate, and the information in the right column, etc. Thanks in advance!
Here's the link from Antenati:
8 Oct 1878 - Vincenzo Farruggia, age 34, miller, declared that at 1:03 am on the 6th of the month at house #20 on Via San Domenico, a male baby was born from his union with an unmarried woman, not related by blood or marriage within a degree to prohibit legal recognition of the child, given the name Calogero.
Annotation - legitimized as the child of Vincenzo Farruggia and Maria Giovanna Bonaffini by their subsequent marriage on 8 Jan 1885 in Petraperzia, record #4.
BTW, they apparently had married in the church previously, but not had a civil marriage. Church marriages weren't recognized for legal purposes in Italy from 1866-1929. The baptism is #57 on the left:
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Vinny, thank you so much!