Requesting Translation Assistance
Could someone assist me with the translation of a marriage record from the Prague Archives?
It is a very large file, and there is no direct link to the record that will not time out. It is contained within the following book:
Frame 179. Marriage record of Petr Zmátlik and Ludmila Augusta.
I hope that this works as I have more records from these archives. Thank you and have a good day.
When browsing the Catalog, you can reference any stage using a direct URL by clicking the chain icon on the left under the tree navigation.
Once you are inside the book, there is a chain icon in the middle top to navigate directly to a specific image.
Your image points to the "N" (birth records), but you are mentioning marriage. I assume that the image is incorrect. It will be better to put the links instead.
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I was trying to do too many things at once. I hope that this will not time out:
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That link works for me, great!
Petr Zmatlík, a bookbinder assistant in Prague, being registered in Nový Bydžov district, born in Planá in the Cheb district, legitimate son of Václav Zmatlík, a servant in Planá and mother Marie Anna Amtmanová from Falkenau (Sokolov), both Catholics
Lidmila Anna Augustová, legitimate daughter of Vojtěch Augusta, a carpenter assistant in Prague, mother Josefa Kostelecká from Červená Řečice, both Catholics