Czech Birth record 3
Please help with the translation of this birth record. It is the 5th record from the top, the date is 6 Jan 1841. I know the child is male but I can not read his given name, I believe the father is Frantisek Vlach and the mother is Anezka Pospisilova. Can you please tell me the child's given name and any other pertinent information on the record.
Thank You
Lewis Klapka
Infant: Augustyn (y and i are interchangeable). He died 5/11/1917 in Semil house 261, Father: Wlacha, Frantissek (Wlach which is interchangeable with a V. Occupation: Tkadlne (Tkadlce is a weaver) is the son of Josefa Wlacha from Simil __ ___ Tkadlce=weaver house 261 and Anny Kmamarowy? from St_ysukyho? ... Sauseda=neighbor
Mother: Anezka daughter of Josefa Pospissila from Benešov (spelled Benessowa) ... house 39 and Anny Hl__awy from ? ... sedláka=farmer
It is hard to figure out places when you haven't been working in the records. Here is a link to the 19th century map of Semily:
There is a line of Vlack from Semily on FamilySearch, with pictures back to 1612 at
I hope this helps. If you can fill in any of the towns or have figured out the names please let me know. Merry Christmas.
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Some details can be found here
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Here is a good blog on the interchangeable letters:
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Betseylee, Thank you for the translation and the additional information it is much appreciated.
May you have a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Lewis Klapka