translation request Benjamin Cygler(Ziegler) birth(1828)marriage(1851)
Birth Record - Benjamin Ziegler
1828, Dabie Poland Evang.
Scan 15, Certificate #50
Marriage Record -Benjamin Ziegler
1851, Dabie Poland Evang.
Scan #73, Certificate # 14
Birth Record No. 50, Scan No. 15, Dabie, Evangelical, of Benjamin Cygler (Ziegler), born on the 27th May 1828, christened on the 1st June 1828, son of Bogumil (Gottlieb) Cygler (Ziegler), a cloth maker from Dabie, 36 years old, and of his wife, Rozyna, born Wandke, 25 years old. Witnesses: Benjamin Seyffert, 41 years old, and Samuel Ludwik, 32 years old, both cloth makers from Dabie. Godparents: the above-mentioned Benjamin Seyffert and Karolina Bredschaydrow (?), a maiden. Signatures of Gottlieb Ziegler, Ben Seifert, and Samuel Ludwik.
Marriage Record No. 14, Scan 73, Dabie, Civil Records Office, Evangelical, dated the 25th February 1851, of Benjamin Cygler (Ziegler), a young Evangelical man, master clothier, resident of Dabie, 22 years old, son of the deceased Jan Gottlieb Cygler, who used to be a master clothier in Dabie, and of his living wife, Rozalia, born Wanke, residing in Dabie, and of a maiden, Anna Selchan, Evangelical, residing with her mother in Dabie, she is 18 years old, born in Pruszniew (?), daughter of deceased Fryderyk Selchan, who used to be a miller in Pruszniew (?), and of his living wife, Joanna, born Rieske, resident of Dabie. This marriage was preceded by three Marriage Banns published in the local Evangelical Augsburg Church. No impediment was detected. No prenuptial agreement entered. Witnesses: Juliusz Szulz, a master clothier, resident of Dabie, 38 years old, and Samuel Konizer, a master clothier, resident of Dabie, 34 years old. Signatures of Benjamin Cygler and Julius Schultz.
I was not able to find Pruszniew on or
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