Danish Translation Help Needed - Moving Record
Under 1840, 3rd entry, for Lars Sørensen in Helsinge, I need help recognizing/translating the Danish in the "håndtering" column. The last part of the phrase appears to be about the father Søren Hanen in Helsinge.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Do you know if there is somewhere that you can get a handwritten alphabet versus a computerized alphabet? That may help you figure it out. As I was looking at it, it looked like the third-fifth word would be "for father gave" but it isn't in Danish so I don't know anything else.
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I read: Fra Ophold hos fadern Jens Sören Hansen i Helsinge = from staying with father Jens Sören Hansen in Helsinge
No guarantee because I don't speak Danish ;-)
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Great insights.
I had forgotten that the Danish cursive h can resemble our own cursive f therefore I didn't recognize the handwriting for Fra Ophold hos.
Thank you!!