Finding a Czech ancestor
Looking for information on my Great grandfather Frank (Franz) Cermak born around 1840. Arrived in USA Baltimore August 4, 1866. Wife was Lousia (Skala) Scole reported to be born in 1844. We know of two children, one of which immigrated with her parents. Her name was Cecilia Cermak born 14 Oct 1865, she was married to Frank Kucera born 22 Nov 1864. Frank was reported to be born in Bohemia. There is a second daughter born in Ohio named Mollie Cermak born about 1878 and married to Joseph Curney about 1901. If you have any information, please let me know so that I can get further on my family tree.
Hi! It is hard to find the place of origin sometimes (most times). There is no central database to determine place of origin. We need to find a place in US records. I have been studying the sources on FamilySearch Family Tree. First, there is an excellent article in the FamilySearch Wiki that could you
Have you researched all available US federal and state census records for Frank and his family? When you find them please post them on FamilySearch.
Do you have obits and death certificates for Cecilia Cermak and Frank and Louisa?
Have you found any other relatives that immigrated to the US?
Have you done your DNA? If so do you think you have any matches for this family?
I look forward to hearing more from you.
Betseylee Browning
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Čermák, Skála, and Kučera, these all are very common surnames in Czechia, spread across the country. I am afraid without an exact location it is impossible to find them.
I can only recommend taking an autosomal DNA test. You could then find these families indirectly thanks to shared DNA matches.
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So don't give up Kathy. If you can do a thorough US search and the DNA test, we probably will find them. Of course, I am an optimist. I have lots of good experiences with finding them but it will require a good effort on your part. Find the things that I mentioned first. US Church records should be searched too.