Someone added duplicates to my tree & I asked her to remove them as there was no reason to add them
She added: George Moore LDH3-M31 & William Moore GQKN-3L8. I already had a George & William Moore she had a family for George Moore, just the name for William Moore. I don't think the George & William Moore that she added should be on my tree? I am still searching for the CORRECT George Moore information but her George Moore does not seem correct to me? I don't know how to get them off my tree & she does not respond to my requests.
@Charlene Sparks 91786
I just took a quick look at the 'FamilySearch Person Identifiers' (PIDs).
They were both action by DIFFERENT Users/Patrons; and, at DIFFERENT times.
"George MOORE" ( LDH3-M31 ) was added as a "Child" in that family way back in 2013.
Parent-Child Relationship "ChangeLog"
There was some work on him in 2013 and 2014 (including a "Merge"/"Combine"); and, the most recent work was back in 2018.
Individual/Person "Change Log"
Whereas ...
"William MOORE" ( GQKN-3L8 ) was only recently added as a "Child" through a "Dreaded" GEDCOM File in February this year (2020).
Parent-Child Relationship "ChangeLog"
Individual/Person "Change Log"
If you believe (through your research) that they do not belong in the Family of the Couple/Parents, (Spouse/Husband/Father) "Noble MOORE" ( LDHS-Y1T ) and (Spouse/Wife/Mother) "Isabella ALEXANDER" ( LDHS-BMX ); THEN, just "Remove" them from that Family as Children.
Just remember to give a "Reason"as to why yo have so "Removed" them as Children from that Family.
I hope this helps.