Translation request
I would appreciate any information that can be found in this church record. I understand the date, that Johann lived at Haslau 11, that they were both Catholic and single and their age.
Johann was my 3x great grandfather. Katharina was his 1st wife. My 3x great gma was Barbara Kohler (sometimes I see it as Koller). Barbara was Johann's 3rd wife with his first 2 wives dying.
Thank you
Karen Jones Warren
Any chance of a link to where you found this record? (Was it on Matricula Online?) No guarantee that the better image resolution will help, but I cannot read the attached snippet at all.
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Startseite Österreich Niederösterreich (Westen): Rk. Diözese St. Pölten Seyfrieds Trauungsbuch | 02/02
Pfarre/OrtSeyfriedsSignatur02/02BuchtypTrauungsbuchDatum von1. Januar 1835Datum bis31. Dezember 1896
Is there anything there that can help?
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Oy. I'm impeded by not knowing ahead of time what the darn thing says.
Groom: Johann Behm, farmer in Haslau, legitimate son of Mathias Behm, ?? in Haslau, and the ?? ??, born ?? ??.
Bride: Katharina Donner, ?? ... ?? Mathias Behm of Haslau, legitimate daughter of Johann Donner, farmer in H?? (not Haslau) in the parish ?? ... and of Theresia, born ?? of St??.
All in all, I suggest you post this in the Germany group (; there are miracle-workers there who are much better at this than I will ever be. Use the Matricula Online link ( and breadcrumbs (Niederösterreich (Westen): Rk. Diözese St. Pölten / Seyfrieds / Trauungsbuch | 02/02 / 03-Trauung_0017) along with a screenshot, to make it as easy as possible for people to help.
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@Karen Warren_2 Working with @Julia Szent-Györgyi 's base:
Groom: Johann Behm, farmer in Haslau, legitimate son of Mathias Behm, Ausnehmers (former farmer who's living off a life rent provided by his successor) in Haslau, and the seligen (deceased) A.Maria born Fischer von Jetzles.(?)
Bride: Katharina Donner, ?gl. ?machlerin wohnhaft bey (living in the house of) Mathias Behm of Haslau, legitimate daughter of Johann Donner, farmer in Heinrichs in the parish Döllersheim and of Theresia, born Waldhauser von? Str??ns
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Thank you for your help
@StH31 and @Julia Szent-Györgyi It is a start and I have posted per your suggestion Julia in the Germany group. It was a question that I had as to what language these church records are in. I had gone to the Family History Library in SLC for help with the translation but the 2 gentlemen that tried to help suggested these community groups.
Again, thank you for your time and effort.
Karen Warren
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@Karen Warren_2 this is a German language document, but it might have some influence from other local languages. Depending on what time you were at the FamilySearch Library, you should have been able to get more advanced help. Next time you are in, if you are not given more help with these documents, please ask the person at the computer if a specialist is available. If it was during the evening or on a weekend, we might not have had a German-language expert available to help, but if two gentlemen tried to help and could not, that should have been escalated.
Groom: Johann Behm, farmer of Haslau, legitimate son of Mathias Behm, "Ausnehmer" (already explained above) in Haslau, and the deceased A. Maria [likely Anna Maria] born Fischer of Jetzler.
Bride: Katharina Donner, "ehe dermachler wohnhaft bey" before [marriage] resides with Mathais Behm of Haslau, legitimate daughter of Johann Donner, farmer of Heinrmichs [or Heinrnichs] in the parish Döllersheim, and Theresia born Waldhaucher [or Waldhauser] of Stewens.
Note: The literal translation of Wohnhaft bei (the current spelling) is resided by or lived by. However, only one address is given in the address column for this entry, while all the others on the page have two (one for the groom and one for the bride), AND none of these other entries include this phrase. The interpretation is that Katharina lived with Johann prior to the marriage at Haslau no. 11.
Witnesses: (+++) Simon Hendel, (+++) Joseph Gestettenbauer, and Johann Korzuster (here undersigned); all appear to be farmers or retired farmers from neighboring communities.
In the last column which is labeled as comments, there is a note that starts with "Zu dieser Ehe..." and ends with "+++" followed by Johann Donner, farmer in Heinrnichs. This note indicates that Johann Donner is the father of the bride and that he sent Simon Hendel and Joseph Gestettenbauer to be his witnesses, and that he gave consent for the union. He was, therefore, not present at the ceremony, but supportive of the marriage. The +++ indicates that the father did not sign his own name, but given the context of the note, it was recorded here on his behalf.
by "at the computer" I mean at the help desk. There should be two people at the desk, and either one should be able to help you make sure you get escalated for more advanced help.
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@Suzi_Trotter, Thank you so much for your help with this document. I haven't been able to spend as much time on this branch of my family with the holidays and such. I appreciate your advise regarding help at the Family Search Library. I have Fridays off so it was a Friday morning that I was there. I will always try to go during the week as I'm sure it is a very active place on the weekends.
Thank you again.
Karen Warren