Looking for Townland Meriagha (probably Tipperary)
The 1815 marriage record for ancestor John Hogan (first entry in screenshot below) indicates that he was from Meriagha, presumably a townland in Co. Tipperary where he was married. I am unable to locate it (or variations of the name) on the https://www.townlands.ie/tipperary website. I checked the neighboring Co. Offaly too. Is anyone able to find it?
Thank you.
We often have to think outside the box with the phonetic spellings of our Irish townlands. Since the bride is listed as being from Borrisoleigh, I looked at all placenames in Thurles, the PLU where Borrisoleigh is located, using JohnGrenham.com.
In Thurles, I found Magherareagh. Worth a try?
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Wow. I would never have found that. Thank you. It looks like it's just down the road from Borrisoleigh. This is good.
(On my one trip to Ireland many years ago, I kept getting lost because I didn't know how to pronounce the place names [and the roads were not on a grid]. Dunleary was actually Dun Laoghaire!)
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You're very welcome. On most of the websites for researching Irish townlands, you can use wildcards, making it a bit easier to find uncertain spellings.
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Thanks also for letting me know about JohnGrenham.com. It's very informative.