Translation request (review and help with notes) - Vavrinec (Lorenz) Mlnářík
Please review and help with notes:
Marriage of Vavrinec (Lorenz) Mlnářík to Marie Kojanová Činátlová aka Marie Kojan Cinatl
Page 24, Marriage register
Zeit der Trauung – Date of the wedding: February 23, 1846
Ort an Haus No. (Location and house number) Kojakovice No. 37, abbreviated: Domain Trebon
Namen und Condition: Name and Status: Breutigam (Bridegroom): Laurenz Mlnařík, legitimate son of Andreas/Ondrej Mlnařzik Bauer (farmer) in Kojakovice, house no. 2 und (and) of the + deceased Marie, born Candrova/Candra, Baüerstochter= farmer’s daughter, …of Libin house no. 11, Domain Trebon, Religion: Catholic, Age: 36 years, born August 1, 1809, Single
Bride: from Branná no. 35 Domain Trebon, Bride – name and condition: Maria, legitimate daughter of Nikolaus Čzinatel/ Cinatl, Bauer (farmer) of Branná No. 35 and Maria (his wife) born Steflova of Branná no. , Religion: Catholic, Age of bride: 22, born on Aug 6, 1823. Status: single
Note under religtion/age/ ???? signed by +++ Nikolaus Čzinatel
Note of marriage permission ???
Witnesses: ??? of Kojakovice and ??? sedlak(farmer) of ???
Parson who married:
Dispensation, if and which one: ??? Fas. 12, No 10
Thank you.
Namen und Condition: Name and Status: Bräutigam (Bridegroom): Laurenz Mlnařík, legitimate son of Andreas/Ondrej Mlnařzik Bauers (farmer) in Kojakovice, house no. 2 und (and) of the + deceased Marie, born Candrova/Candra, Bauerstochter= farmer’s daughter, …of Libin house no. 11, Domain Trebon, Religion: Catholic, Age: 36 years, born August 1, 1809, Single
Bride: from Branná no. 35 Domain Trebon, Bride – name and condition: Maria, legitimate daughter of Nikolaus Čzinatel/ Cinatl, Bauers (farmer) of Branná No. 35 and Maria (his wife) born Steflova of Branná no. , Religion: Catholic, Age of bride: 22, born on Aug 6, 1823. Status: single
Note of marriage permission Mit Einwilligung des Vaters Nikolaus Czinatel (With the father Nikolaus Czinatel's permission) signed by +++ Nikolaus Čzinatel
Witnesses: Josef Hawelka, sedlaky(?) (farmer) of Kojakovice and ??? Klima sedlak(farmer) of ???
Parson who married: ( 'd' = 'detto' = The same as above)
Dispensation, if and which one: Meldzettel von Direct. Amt?? dto. 6. Feber '846
?schein v. Wittingau Fas. 12, No 10
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