Witikon ZH - death - 1760 - Weber - siblings with same given names
When parents have a child baptised with the same given name(s) as one of their previous children, it usually can be assumed that the first born child has died in the meantime. However, this assumption is not always true! There are quite a few examples when this was not the case - often when more than a single name was given. Of two "Anna Barbara" one would be called "Anna" in the family, the other "Barbara". This doesn't work in the following case, however:
Two Anna Barbara Weber (Wäber) died on the same day (10 Aug 1760), one 5 years old, the other only 6 weeks. Problem: the second Anna Barbara was a twin - her twin sister being named just Anna. You'll find the family sheet (largely based on the Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - some sort of census data) on https://www.geneal-forum.com/phpbb/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=32859#p123614. This unusual case (I have no explanation) came up whilst researching the Weber ancestors of Rudolf Gottlieb Fahrner. You may also be interested in a list of the maternal lines: if any of these names rings a bell, please, speak up.
If you register with the forum (free and without any obligation) you will also be able to view several examples of Bevölkerungsverzeichnisse between 1633 and 1759: these registers can be a great help with your research in canton Zürich (and a few regions of St.Gallen and Thurgau). Questions on this topic are welcome.
Thank you, Wolf. Very insightful!! PaulaAnn