Translation Request for a still birth
Hi there! I'm hoping to get a little help again with a translation. It's the first record on top of the page here: There is quite a lot of writing in the note on the right of the page and I'm wondering what it might say. Thank you so much!
Faderen Thøger Sminge, ungkarl i Flendsted, moderen Birgitte Laulund, enke efter Forvaltere Brendstrup der boede i Flendsted.
The father Thøger Sminge, bachelor in Flendsted; the mother Birgitte Laulund, widow after forvalter [=person who leads the daily work on a farm] Brindstrup, who lived in Flendsted.
Right: So it is an extract from the report of the mid-wife [older Danish "Giordemoder". Modern Danish "Jordemoder"]
En Dreng, som blev født den syvende Maaned, uden at ?...-.....? ?mødes? til ?...? for tidlig nedkomst.
?Fosteret? kom ved Naturen og varede 3 timer.
So that the child was born after 7 months pregnancy (then the part I can't discern) early pregnancy and the fetus was born naturally and the labour lasted 3 hours. [The boy was stillborn - see the top that says "Dødfødte Mandkøn"].
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Once again, thank you so very much! I really appreciate all of your help!