Translation help...
I have two church records: an alphabetized record of marriages, and an actual marriage record.
The first (the alphabetized) lists a Philippus Jacobus Depoorter marrying a Maria Anna Clara Verhaege in 1793.
When I look at the actual record, it appears that Philippus is marrying Maria Cecilia Gheysen. Does anyone else agree?
Any interpretations?
The mother of Philippus Jacobus Depoorter is actually named Maria Jacoba Verhaege. Do you think that the writer/recorder got mixed up with the names?
Thank you for your help.
The original marriage record says Philippus Jacobus Depoorter is son of Petrus Joannes and Maria Anna Clara Verhaege. He marries Maria Caecilia Gheysen, daughter of Thomas Jacobus and Anna Catharina Pype.
The record says a lot more but I don't have time right now to translate in full.
I think the creator of the alphabetical index mixed up the bride and the groom's mother.