Translation from Latin to English or French
Die vigesima aprili circa horare septimam ves partinam natus et die postrudi circa decinam matitunam baptizatus est filius legitimus Henrici van Hoof ex Soerle et Maria Peeters ex Oostenwijk conjugum et vocatus est Alodestus....
The legitimate son of Henry van Hoof of Soerle and Marie Peeters of Oostenwijk(?), the spouse, was born on the twentieth day of April, about the seventh hour, and was baptized on the following day, about ten in the morning, and was called Alodestus...
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I think i would tend to read 'Modestus' for Alodestus; several times. Imho!
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You are absolutely right, Adrien.
Was too anxious to get the name of the son, but now that seems to be missing?
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Life is a struggle!..... if i have doubts or a bad read for locations, i open google earth,and feed the term partially to the prompt, that way,the machine starts suggesting options, ..if they match and the country fits, the province and canton, etc. Mostly it becomes obvious very fast. A secondary snake however are old spellings like Oosterwijck=> ck ; the correct spelling nowadays is Oosterwijk.
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Thank you both very much. This helps a lot!