Translation help: records book name
(Image 48 1st entry) Anna Ullman and Joseph Prochazka’s marriage record
Screenshot below is a translation of the record if that helps.
Screenshot 2023-07-08 050301.jpg
The phrase in question is:
Rekvisity vs fasciklu oddaných z roku 1887 č 2
This is before the pastor's name. I'm assuming it's the name of the record.
Can anyone help me, please.
Thank you!
Hello, it's me again. Not completely sure what they mean by "rekvisity". The word mean "props". As in those you use in movies and stuff. I'm taking it as maybe "documents" or "records". Or maybe it was meant as prerekvisity = prerequisite.
Anyways... These "rekvisity" are located in the book of marriage records from the year 1887, no. 2.