Where is östra ednö
Per or Pehr Andersson was supposedly born in the above parish in Kalmar, Sweden. I can't find it. He is not in östra ed. He died in Misterhult, Kalmar, Sweden unmarried and death notice was found. Any suggestions? Thank you for any help.
Dan Conrad
15 September 1736 – 14 October 1806
Hello Dan,
Where do you have the name Östra Ednö from? I just ask in case the spelling is correct
There is a island called Östra Eknö in Kalmar area and that belong to Västrum parish. It is not far from Misthult parish
There is a Pär born 15 September 1736 Västerum
Source: Gladhammars kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SE/VALA/00098/C/2 (1708-1764), bildid: C0027118_00100, sida 180
Link: https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0027118_00100
I hope this help
Yours/ Ulf