Translation Request Carl Gustaf Peterson and family
With the help of others, including this community, I am making some progress in identifying my 2nd great grandfather Carl Gustaf Peterson LH5D-4YV, his grandmother Maria Persdotter G2XF-J83, Grandfather G2XT-HP1 and Ingrid Nilsdotter who might his aunt or possibly his mother G2XT-PYY
The attached record shows the name and possibly dates and other information but the writing is difficult to read and the name being crossed out makes it doubly hard. I made a closer screenshot to show the correct family--they are at the very bottom of the page.
The link for the attached page is
The record is "Sweden, Kronoberg Church Records, 1589-1921; index 1612-1860," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 22 May 2014), Hälleberga församling > A I Husförhörslängder > 5, 1820-1827 > image 80 of 153; Landsarkivet (Regional Archives), Vadstena.
I would very much appreciate any help in understanding this record.
The "husförhör" records are the where the priests checked his congregation for reading skills and correct lutheran beliefs. In these instance Hälleberga between 1810-1820.
See original here from the Swedish archives:
If persons are crossed out it means that they either moved away or in this case the person (?Nils? ?G...son?) died -> says "död ?[18]15/19?". He was listed as ?29? years old.
?g.? Maria ?Persdotter? is listed as 60 years old and born [född] in ?...torp?.
It doesn't say "h." [= hustru = wife], so unclear what g. means.
It is very hard to discern what is written...but it doesn't appear to be a daughter of Nils:
Does it say Gerda ?Månsdotter?, but really not anything that looks like Nilsdotter.
They don't seem to be present in the husförhör 1794-1810 in "Torp Gröndal".
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I think the word above the names is Backstugan. This means a cottage without own land on the grounds of a farm ( The people living there usually worked as craftsmen or day laborers.
I read the people listed there as Nils ___?, h[ustru] Maria Persdotter, and Enka (widow) Greta Månsd[otter]. The last one could possibly be the mother of either Nils or Maria.
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Thank you for taking the time to consider the record. That will help a lot in my continued investigation. Even though the writing is difficult to read, I am so grateful that Sweden instituted record keeping as early as they did. What a blessing for those of us seeking to learn more about our families!
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I am answering these comments out of order--Niels, thanks for explaining what the record is. I am just beginning to learn about the various records kept so your insight helps me to understand what I am looking at. The approximate death date will help a lot too. Your thoughts and those of Ulrich also let me know that Ingrid is not included on that record and that I might keep an eye out for a Greta Mansdotter (or something similar) in other records. Also, thanks for taking the time to look even further in the death records. That was going the extra mile for sure.
All of your comments and those of Niels give so much more than I could decipher on my own. I am so appreciative of the time members of the group are taking to help those of us who are searching for our families in these old Swedish records!
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So we have a birthplace of Maria Persdotter, which is very hard to read [?Svenstorp? perhaps].
In the Hälleberga husförhör 1820-1827 we still have Maria Persdotter in Torp Grøndahl, Backstugan.
Enka Maria Persdotter.
D.R ? Ingrid ?Nilsdotter? 16/2 1792. Moves 1821 to ?Madesiö?
Dotter son: Ø..? Carl Gustaf. 3/6 1821. [The son of Ingrid Nilsdotter]
Source (bild 84/ sida 144):
NB: Ingrid Nilsdotter is NOT born in Hälleberga......but could she be a daughter of Maria Persdotter.
There is another copy of Hälleberga husförhör 1821-1826, which gives slightly different information.
Änka Maria Persdotter. [far right, it says] fattig, öfver 63 år. [poor over 63 years]
D[otter] is crossed out and it says pig[a] Ingrid Nilsdotter. 16/2 1792.
Moved from Sjösås in 1819 and moved to Madesjö in 1821.
Source (bild 90/ sida 156, bottom):
NB: Ingrid doesn't seem to be born in Sjösås either.....
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Ingrid is the daughter of Maria Persdotter as it is stated here that Carl Gustaf is the dotterson.
Source (bild 73/ sida 122):
We finally get a birthdate of Maria Persdotter, but sadly no location where.
Hälleberga Husförhör 1829-1836.
Enkan Maria Persdotter. 24/4 1753.
Dotterson Carl Gustaf 3/6 1821. Moved to ?...? 1836.
Source (page 88/ sida 159):
She is born in Hälleberga!
Born 24. April 1753.
Baptised: 29. April 1753.
Name: Maria Pärsdotter i ?Kvarntorp?
Father: Pär Carlsson.
Mother: Anna Carlsdotter.
Source (bild 13/sida 10):
NB: So she must have been married in Hälleberga to Nils at some point around 1792 with the birth of Ingrid!
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Wow! This is so much more than I ever expected. I am amazed at the expertise of the group and so very, very appreciative. If I could send you all some cookies I would do that! Instead, I will pray that you will all receive blessings for spending your time helping others to find their families in Sweden!
I have a follow on question if I may:
This record that Niels cites, clearly shows that Ingrid Nilsdotter is NOT born in Hälleberga .Source:
I found these three records on MyHeritage that seem to be Ingrid with the same birthdate living in Westrakulla, and it does show her birthplace as Halleberga. Was it common for a person to claim to be born in a place that maybe they only resided in? It doesn't seem like it could be a different Ingrid since the record that Niels shared shows that no Ingrid Nilsdotter was born in Halleberga on that day.
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Also, one additional comment. I definitely don't know enough about Swedish research to be of help there, but I would like to share something I discovered. In trying to clean up old records to have a better chance at reading the text, I found that I can do a better job using my phone's editing tools than I can either on the websites and probably do as good a job as I can do with Photoshop.
I'll attach the results after I used the editing tool to adjust the image. I have an iPhone, but I think any of the new phones have similar capabilities. In the second image, I used Photoshop to take out the cross out line to see if that helped make the last name more readable. But even with all of that, I don't think I could determine Nil's last name any better than in the original image :) My best guess is Gregerson, but that doesn't really fit the shapes well.
Using your phone to clarify an image might be more helpful with other records though.
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Ingrid might not have known she was not born within the parish; as her mother was from Hälleberga and Ingrid grew up in that place!
From this time period it is fairly common that personal informations are not correct, which can make it very hard to locate people with certainty.
Found an attest from Ingrid Nilsdotter moving from Sjösås (1818) to Hälleberga (1819). [which fits according to the husförhör - and she should move from Hälleberga to Madesjö in ca. 1821]
Here it says she was born in Hälleberga 16/3 1792 [which is also wrong]......
Source (bild 587):
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Thanks Niels. That explanation helps me understand the household examination records better. What you mention there seems similar to the US census. It’s a wonderful, appreciated guide but we have to be aware that there may be errors.
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Another possible Ingrid Nilsdotter.
Pigan Ingrid Nilsdotter född uti Hälleberga 1789, kom 1809 från Callmar [=Kalmar] ?Ås?, har i September 1810 flyttad till Wissefjerda [? Vissefjärda].....
Source (bild 412):
NB: No Ingrid Nilsdotter matches that year in Hälleberga! [which almost support it could be "our girl"]
Vissefjärda has no archives of movement preserved from tat time period, sadly.
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Translation Request--Church Record showing Maria Pehrsdotter's birth and baptism: Niels, it is taking me a little time to review all of this amazing information you have sent. In looking at this record you sent showing Maria's birth and parents: Source (bild 13/sida 10):
Can you tell me what the text on the right means? I think it might mention the fathers occupations and maybe witnesses? The writing is actually pretty clear, I just can't figure them out enough to try to translate.
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Hi Maxine.
To the far right are the witnesses; and yes the priest at this time period has much better handwriting than we see later!
Erik Jönsson i ?Frönskruf? [likely modern Fröneskruv]
Svenn Håkansson ibid [= same place]
Ingierd Nilsdotter i Ulfaxskog.
Kierstin Nilsdotter i Jacobgård.
NB: Correction I think the Maria Pärsdotter is born in "Svenstorp" in Hälleberga!
You removing the line from the name helps a bit, but still so hard to discern.
Guess: ?Nils Gu?a?man? -> could it be ?Gutarman?
In Danish "en Guttermand" means a good "bro", a man you can rely one. [though I must say I have never heard Swedes use this term; but in former times who knows?]
I wonder whether this is the case here; so it would be an army name; OR it is a location name "Gutar" could mean a person from Gotland (or even from Götaland), or it could be a german surname!
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Madesjö kyrkoarkiv, Inflyttningslängder, SE/VALA/00241/B I/1 (1817-1845):
Inflyttning: 28/5 1821.
Pigan Ingrid Nilsdotter.
Kommet fra Elghult [!]
Född: 16/2 1792 Hälleberga.
Äktenskap: "Ledig" [meaning available; doesn't say "Ogift" meaning unmarried].
Moves to Bergsryd [in Madesjö]
Source (bild 120/ sida 218):
Finally a breakthrough!
Madesjö kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00241/A I/8 (1821-1829):
Gifta drängen: Peter Bohman. Född 1787. 1823: Calmar. 1824: Ljungby
Pigan hustru Ingrid Nilsdotter. 16/2 1792.
Source (bild 263/ sida 510):
Vigd: 5. August 1821 i Madesjö.
Drängen Peter Gustafsson Boman i harby och pigan Ingrid Nilsdotter i Bergsryd.
Source (bild 331/ sida 619):
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Madesjö kyrkoarkiv, Bilagor till flyttningslängderna, SE/VALA/00241/H II/4 (1823-1825):
"Gifte drängen Peter Bohman" moves from Stadsförsamlingen [in Kalmar] to Madesjö.
He is born 1787 in Madesjö.
"Bohmans hustru Ingrid Nilsdotter som med mannen flyttar til Madesjö." (She reports that she is) "född i Hälleberga 16/2 1792."
[Attest from] Calmar [Stadsförsamling] 16. Oktober 1823.
Source (bild 10):
NB: So they should according to the husförhör move to Ljungby in 1824.
So it is her own reporting to the local priests where and when she is born.......[and that doesn't fit according to the Hälleberga church book; unless she for some reason was forgotten to be inscribed in it].
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Ljungby (Kalmar län) kyrkoarkiv, Inflyttningslängder, SE/VALA/00228/B I/2 (1822-1850).
Inflyttäde till Ljungby ved Hofsmo.
8/2 1825: Peter Bohman, torpare med hustru.
Från Madesjö till Uddabo paa Johan Olssons ågor [åker?].
Source (bild 46/ sida 71):
Ljungby (Kalmar län) kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00228/A I/14 (1824-1830)
Torpare. Peter Bohman. Född 1787 Madesjö. Tilflyttad 1825 ifrån Madesjö.
hustru. Ingri Nilsdotter. Född 16/2 1792 Hälleberga. Tilflyttad 1825 ifrån Madesjö.
Attestnummer 6. [the source above]
Far right gives us a report of a transgression against the 7th commandment [7da budet], but seemed to be declared innocent [?frikänd?].
Source (bild 41/sida 34):
NB. 7th Commandment: For reformed christians it is adultery, but for catholics and lutheran it is theft.
NB: No Carl Gustaf present with them, so he must be with Maria Persdotter
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Possible identification of the crossed out name, it is the only Nils with a -man name that fits being dead in 1815 or 1819 in Hälleberga.
Död: 15. December 1815 i Hälleberga.
Gårdmann Nils Hegerman. [Died of] vattersot [= dropsy]
Ålder: 92.
Source (bild 1417 sida 251):
NB: His name could have the variant "Hägerman"
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Vigd: 12. April 1774 in Hälleberga.
Soldaten Nils Hägerman från ?..? Hägerås och pigan Maria ?Påls?dotter från ?Julia Kruf, Söt.......?
Source (bild 161/ sida 294):
NB: So Hägerman seems to be a locality name after Hägerås [several of those in Sweden].
This soldier doesn't seem likely to be the same person as the "Gårdmann", who died in 1815 age 92 years; and the wife is a Pålsdotter and not a Persdotter.
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Niels, I had to smile when, in one of your posts, you made the comment "finally a breakthrough!" because since I received the first communication from you, it seems to me you have been making nothing but breakthroughs!!! I am so sincerely grateful for all of the time you are taking to find these records! I have been trying to just confirm Carl Gustaf's birthplace for years and wasn't able to get even that far without help and now I am gathering information of three additional generations. To me, this is a family history miracle!
I have been working to attach the records that you have cited and trying to understand them. So, can I give you a synopsis of my translated understanding to make sure I'm getting it right?
We now know where Maria G2XF-J83 was born and we know more about the locations that Ingrid G2XT-PYY lived. We know that Ingrid had Carl Gustaf LH5D-4YV out of wedlock and left the baby with her mother when she moved shortly after his birth. In a church document, Ingrid claims that Peter Bohman LH5D-4YV is the father of her baby. We don't have a record of Ingrid and Peter marrying, but they apparently move together and live together. Although Ingrid and Peter are together, records don't indicate that Carl Gustaf was ever with them, but instead Carl Gustaf stays with his grandmother until he is old enough to work on his own.
Bless his grandmother who took responsibility for him even though she herself was listed as old and poor. With the record you found showing a church court case against them, it's possible that even old and poor she was the more fit parent for baby Carl.
I wasn't sure from your last comment if you had completely discounted the idea of Nils Hagerman being Maria's husband? He would be 30 years older than Maria and would have fathered Ingrid when he was 69, but it's possible. The name Hagerman does seem to be a likely fit to the crossed out name.
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Hi Maxine.
Glad to be able to help you!
Yes you understood it correctly, except we did have the marriage of Peter Bohman and Ingrid Nilsdotter (se below), but it is still a big mystery where both Ingrid Nilsdotter and Carl Gustaf Petersson were born:
They are both listed as being born in Hälleberga, but neither of them show up in the church books?!
Vigd: 5. August 1821 i Madesjö.
Drängen Peter Gustafsson Boman i Harby och pigan Ingrid Nilsdotter i Bergsryd.
Source (bild 331/ sida 619):
You probably have this already, Carl Gustaf Petersson and family:
Väckelsångs kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00438/A I/14 (1861-1865).
His first wife and many children with her.
Source (bild 156/ sida 171):
Väckelsångs kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00438/A I/18 (1881-1885):
His second wife (died 1883) and 1 child with her (born 1882).
Source (bild 202/ sida 238):
Got another breakthrough, though it is very hard to discern what it says. This breakthrough actually makes it even more complicated!
Vigd: 24. August 1800 in Hälleberga.
?..? ?........? Soldaten Nils Hägerman och ?enkan? Maria Persdotter i ?Mossbo-stugan?
Source (bild 172/ sida 314, top left):
NB: If this is the same Nils Hägerman who married Maria Pålsdotter in 1774 (still have to figure out when she died), then it looks like this soldier Nils Hägerman is only the stepfather to Ingrid Nilsdatter; it is thus unclear if "Nielsdatter" is her biological patronym or she took the patronymic name after the stepfather?
PS: This priests has both bad handwriting and do not use enough spaces between lines in the church book (and also in the husförhör). Furthermore he is very sparse with information on what he does write. It is no wonder this has caused you problems.
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Swedish army archives has a possible candidate.
I can from this see that both "Boman" and "Häger[man]" must be so called "Rote-namn", where a soldier having a small farm [soldat-torp] in a certain area gets a fixed name based on that locality.
[I have for instance an ancestor with the rote-namn "From" and where his son had the rote-namn "Westermann", because they were soldiers living on different soldat-torp]
Rullor 1724-, Ämnesordnade handlingar, SE/KrA/0450/F I/125 (1763-1789).
Kalmar regemente. 1763 & 1789.
Besicktnings Mönster Rülla uppå Upvindinge Härradskompani 1763.
Soldat 130: Hägeråhs [= Hägerås, which fit the marriage below!]
Nils Nilsson Häger. [could that later be "Hägerman]
[Age] 36 years old [= born ca. 1727]
?: 10
?: ?...?
Gift. [so he must have been married before the marriage in 1774 below]
Fri......? [but not a like a lot of soldiers commanded to Swedish Pommern]
Source (bild 124):
Vigd: 12. April 1774 in Hälleberga.
Soldaten Nils Hägerman från ?..? Hägerås och pigan Maria ?Påls?dotter från ?Julia Kruf, Söt.......?
Source (bild 161/ sida 294):
NB: The problem is that any soldier called Nils from Hägerås would get the rote-namn "Häger(man)"
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Generalmönsterrullor, Arkiv med löpande volymnumrering, SE/KrA/0023/0/411 (1775).
Kalmar regemente. Uppvidinge kompani (1775).
Siette Corporalskapet.
Regement nummer 681.
Kompani nummer 130.
Rotens namn: Hägerås.
Karlens namn: Nils Nilsson Häger________?...?
Karlens längd: 11 ?..? 1/2 Tummar.
Ålder: 48 5/12 [age in 1775, so again born ca 1727]
Tienesteår: 22 5/12 [years of service]
Source (bild 252):
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Nils Nilsson Häger is dismissed from the Regiment in 1778.
The new soldier of Hägerås is Jonas Håkansson Häger, age 28 3/12 (so born ca. 1750)
Source (bild 319):
Roten Hägerås should be in Algutsboda Församling!
Mantalslängder 1642-1820, Mantalslängder 1642-1820 Kronobergs län, SE/RA/55203/55203.06/77 (1770).
Algutsboda Socke.
Hägerhults Soldatstorp.
Nils Hägerman. + wife, no children. Soldat.
Hägerås Soldatstorp.
Jonas Hägerström + wife, no children. Corporal. [likely = Jonas Håkansson Häger]
Source (bild 222/ sida 211, left mid):
So it gets REALLY complicated:
Originally it seems that the rote-name for Hägerås was "Häger" BUT we know see, that we have a soldier-rote in both Hägerhult and a soldier-rote in Hägerås!
Did we see a development of name from that?!
Hägerås changed perhaps rote-name from Häger til Hägerström? [though I see later, that he is still called Jonas Häger in husförhör]
Hägerhult got the rote-name Hägerman? [though later I see a soldier Sven Hägg in the same place in Husförhör].
Algutsboda kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00004/A I/2 (1764-1781).
Nils Hägerman. Född 1733 [checked with earlier husförhör]:
hustru Brita: Född 1710.
+ children.
+ two old widows.
Source (bild 161/ sida 283):
Generalmönsterrullor, Arkiv med löpande volymnumrering, SE/KrA/0023/0/411 (1775).
Kalmar regemente. Uppvidinge kompani (1775).
Siette Corporalskapet.
Regement nummer 685.
Kompani nummer 134.
Rotens namn: Hägerhult.
Karlens namn: Nils Carlsson Hägerman________?...? [he is dismissed in 1775]
Karlens längd: 11 ?..? 4 1/2 Tummar.
Ålder: 46 [ca 1729, so the same person found in the husförhör above or not?!]
Tienesteår: 21 5/6 [years of service]
Source (bild 253):
Puh..this is really not easy to distinguish these people!
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Niels, that REALLY is complicated! I don't know how a person could ever be sure of that one. I am very happy with the information that you have uncovered though. If there is some imperfection, it will all eventually be sorted out.
It's interesting to hear you explain how the place names are given and then develop through history. The line that this family merged with in the US has the name of Bergreen. The patronymic name should have been Olsson, but I've always thought they might have used the place name because the name Olsson would have been so common. I was always told that the name Bergreen only occurred when they came to the US, but when I was in Sweden a few years ago, I visited an old church in Kristianstad and saw some very old headstones with the name Bergreen. I think it might have been spelled a little different, maybe Bergrenn, something like that.
Thanks again for your very thorough digging, evaluating and interpreting. You are a genealogy genius I think!
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The development of surnames in Sweden is quite complicated.
Noblemen had surnames from 1626, when it became obligatory.
Incoming german craftsmen and traders had surnames. When they married locally their surnames were spread through the population with time.
Then you had a tradition of swedish craftspeople taking on a surname, when they had finished their apprenticeship. Since it was during the romantic period (1800's) these names were "nature names".
Berggreen is a typical craftsman's surname [I have an ancestor, who became a barrel-maker and took the name Lundberg]. Berg + Green [= Hill/Mountain + Branch]. Berggreen is a quite common name in Sweden.
Then you could have two different types of army names, that could end up becoming hereditary in some instances. The "rote-name" I already have talked about in this thread and then "army nicknames" ("Frisk", "Stark", "Modig" as some examples), that is based on character traits.
Then you have locality-names, for instance taking a surname after a farm (for instance Wästergård), village etc.
So unfortunately before we have the birth information of Ingrid Nilsdotter all these Häger(man) will be hard to distinguish.
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Likely birth of Peter Gustafsson Boman [remember that Boman is probably a rote-name he first gets as a soldier].
Född: 10. Juni 1787 i Madesjö.
Peter [Gustafsson]; Gustav Majors son i Däsemåla.
Source (bild 34/ sida 50):
Madesjö kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00241/A I/4 (1782-1801).
Afsked: Gustaf Major. Februar 1736. [So a retired soldier with the army name "Major"]
Hustru: Maria Svensdotter. 6/2 1743. Vigd: 8/6 1767.
+ 6 børn.
Peter [Gustafsson]. 10/6 1787.
Source (bild 131/ sida 248):
Madesjö kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00241/A I/5 (1802-1814).
Afsked: Gustaf Major. 1736. d[öd] 14. Nov [1]812.
Hustru Maja Svensdotter. 1743.
Son Peter. 1787. (very hard to read, but moves to ?Sörby? [1]807)
Source (bild 256/ sida 473):
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Father of Peter Gustafsson (Boman):
It seems that Gustaf Major was "båtsman" (boats-man) in Däsemåla in Madesjö forsämling.
Homepage over "båtsmen i Madesjö". [navy personnel in Madesjö]
SM-01-0253-1754 Gustaf Isaksson MAJOR>MÅLMAN [So he had two different navy name]
Båtsman för Desemåla i Madesjö sn.
Född: omkring 1736 1)
Rullor: 2) Generalmönsterrulla 1757-1758: Antagen d 4 januari 1754. Gustaf Isaksson Major. Född i Linhofda. Antagen 1754 vid 18 års ålder. Tjänat 4 år. Nu 22 år.
Generalmantalsrulla 1781-1795: Antagen 1754 vid 18 års ålder. Gustaf Isaksson Målman. Befaren. Afsked wid generalmönstringen den 3/3 1781.
Kompani: SM 1:a båtsmanskompaniet, nr 253 3)
Rusthåll: Madesjö sn, Desemåla 4)
Antagen: 1754-01-04 5) [So enrolled that year]
Avsked: 1781-03-03 1) [Dismissed that year]
Död: [We can fill that in from the Husförhör information, that it should be 14. November 1812].
Familj med Maria Svensdotter [So we know we have the correct person]
Vigsel: 1767-06-08 se, Småland, Madesjö fs 6)
Death of Gustaf Major 14. November 1812 in Madesjö.
Source (bild 389/ sida 725, left):
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Ljungby (Kalmar län) kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00228/A I/8 (1814-1823).
Harby. No. 3.
Peter Boman/Dräng Peter Bohman f. 1787 [He has been written twice for some reason].
Age 29.
Source (bild 99/ sida 182):
NB: In the marriage with Ingrid Nilsdotter in 1821, it was stated he was living in Harby.
He arrives from Nättraby församling i Blekinge 27. February 1817 to Ljungby.
Ljungby (Kalmar län) kyrkoarkiv, Inflyttningslängder, SE/VALA/00228/B I/1 (1810-1822):
Från Nättraby 27. Februar 1817.
Betjenten Peter Boman på Harby Gästgifveregård hos Johannes Gustafsson.
Kilde (bild 42/ sida 64, højre nederst):
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Ljungby (Kalmar län) kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00228/A I/6 (1810-1813):
Harby. Inhyses.
Krögare Johannes Gustafsson. 31 År.
Hustru Lisa Samuelsdotter. 40 År.
Broder [= Brother] Peter Gustafsson. 23 år. [= Peder Gustafsson Boman, born 10. June 1787 in Madesjö]
Kilde (bild 68/ sida 134, højre):
NB: Så innkeeper Johannes Gustafsson is his older brother!
Must be this "Jonas" [Gustafsson] born 8. Oktober 1781 i Madesjö.
Father: Gustaf Major.
Source (bild 192/ sida 354):
Madesjö kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00241/A I/3 (1755-1788).
Afsked. Båtsman Gustaf Major. 1736.
hustru Maria Svensdotter. 6. Februar 1743.
Among the children a Jonas 8. Oktober 1781, but no Johannes.
Source (bild 145/ sida 264):
NB: Peter Gustafsson born 1787 were not added in this Husförhör.
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Kalmar slottsförsamlings kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/VALA/00176/A I/3 (1821-1830).
Peter Boman. 1787 Madesjö. Moving to Madesjö 1823.
Hustru Ingrid Nilsdotter 16/2 1792.
Source (bild 157/ sida 296):
NB: Carl Gustaf is not born/baptised in Kalmar Slottsförsamling either.
The movement to Madesjö in 1823 (without Carl Gustaf) was here.
Madesjö kyrkoarkiv, Bilagor till flyttningslängderna, SE/VALA/00241/H II/4 (1823-1825):
"Gifte drängen Peter Bohman" moves from Stadsförsamlingen [in Kalmar] to Madesjö.
He is born 1787 in Madesjö.
"Bohmans hustru Ingrid Nilsdotter som med mannen flyttar til Madesjö." (She reports that she is) "född i Hälleberga 16/2 1792."
[Attest from] Calmar [Stadsförsamling] 16. Oktober 1823.
Source (bild 10):